Alena Chekhov: "I had such love that the roof was demolished"


Alena Chekhov - Nature is very purposeful. I wanted to study in the capital in Moscow State University - and entered. But having received the profession of a lawyer, I realized that public speeches attract it much more than paper work. Having tried the strength on the acting field, the bar took the high - Hollywood, and now there are already three films in her service list with recognized matrails of world cinema. And yet, as our heroine believes, her path was not soaked with roses. As for personal life, the long-awaited harmony of Alena found only now. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Alena, you are still such a young actress, and you have already had significant work not only in Russia, but also Hollywood. Is it luck, luck?

"I am very pleased to receive compliments, but I feel that I have not yet done to the movie what I wanted. Stories that I could tell from the screen are not yet told. I really had interesting paintings and bright characters, but until I even closely approached my goal. Unfortunately, call the high-speed elevator to immediately raise upstairs, as in the tower of "federations", it does not work, I just do my job. And, by the way, I have unhappy chance. For example, for the sake of a role in one significant project for me, I was engaged in my ballet for four months, five days a week for two hours stood on pointers, and the shooting was canceled. But I perfectly pumping a figure. I have never had such a muscular back!

- Probably, you are too critical and put a high bar. You were not afraid to go to Hollywood.

- Yes, but unfortunately, now I have ended the working visa, and the new one has not been able to receive a new one. For me it was unexpected, because Hollywood career really began to develop. In December last year, it was rented "Treasure Hunter", and in May Dead Trigger, in which my partner was Dolph Lundgren. But in the new American project, where I was invited, I could not take part. For me, it was such a kind of life kick - too much easily evolved, apparently. Difficulties are needed so that we are more appreciated your progress.

- Are you a fighter by nature?

- Yes, probably. Of course, I have personal crises, depressed, but I try to experience them yourself. By the way, now I was invited to teach in the official studio of the Hollywood coach Ivanna Chabbak in Moscow. I went to her acting courses for three years and, probably, spent more time with her than any of the Russian actors and directors. And although I have no appropriate certificate, I know her system well. For me, there is a big joy to convey the knowledge that gave me. So while I am in Russia, I will use this time with maximum benefit.

Suit, Galina Podzolko

Suit, Galina Podzolko

Photo: Anna Yakovleva (Oui-Photo)

- In the interview, you said that Ivanna each his student showed his potential opportunities. For example, Jim Carrey advised himself to try himself in a comedy role. And you?

- Ivanna said that I have an easy-witted nervous system. With an externally positive attitude to life, I have a rich past, in which there were very dramatic moments. From the thirteen years I grew up without a father - he was killed. We then lived in Ulyanovsk, he was engaged in business and, apparently, he switched to someone's way. I remember my strange reaction to this tragedy. Apparently, my brain just refused to perceive the fact that Pope did not become, and I came up with my story that he just left somewhere far away. I regret everything at school, and I didn't even cry, I walked such a mysterious, they say, you don't know anything. The awareness of his death came later. Then I experienced betrayal from a friend. I could not believe that the person I drank to myself so closely, I could do that with me. There was still a fraud with my apartment ... The paradox is that all these tragic moments for any person can use in their work. And the richer "piggy bank", the better. So I organically feel myself in the comedy genre, but I am on my shoulder and serious dramatic roles.

- Probably, your moving to Moscow at one time was associated with the desire to change the situation?

"I always dreamed of learning in Moscow State University." On all history textbooks, this university building was concerned. And opening them, I thought: I will definitely learn here! Even doubt did not arise. Then I did not know that the Faculty of Law, where I did, is not in the main building. (Laughs.) But the student time was happy for me. I dreamed of breaking out of the house. Despite the fact that parents were always quite liberal, I wanted to taste real freedom.

- Somehow you do not associate with a rampant.

- And it was not. I am talking about freedom in the commission of actions, and not about the campaigns on the bars. In fact, I do not drink at all that for the actor is quite uncharacteristic. Recently returned from the festival "Pilot", and everything was very surprised there: "Alena, how do you not drink, and so have fun?" And I really like to dance and do it so that the surrounding the impression is that I am a subeer. But it's fun without alcohol. Mount Now you do not need to pour too.

Suit, Galina Podzolko

Suit, Galina Podzolko

Photo: Anna Yakovleva (Oui-Photo)

- Let's go back to your role. That is, the comedy roles like you?

- Yes, although the comedy is one of the most complicated genres. In my opinion, to split the viewer is much easier. But I have a sense of humor. They say that it is usually unknown to women, but among the men of our family, this quality was so brightly expressed that, apparently, it was genetically transmitted to representatives of a wonderful gender. I can laugh at myself, including my shortcomings. And in general, I have a delicious person, learned to forgive.

- To act in the comedy "Girls are different" did you like it?

- Yes, this is a very cool movie! A few years ago, in front of the Sochi Olympiad, I had a role in the comedy "In sports only girls", and there was also a story with changing clothes. I sincerely envied the guys who were trying on women's images - for the actor it's just a buzz, there is where to turn around. You fully transform the identity of the character. In the new film, I was also fortunate enough to experience this - in some scenes I play a man. Beautiful was the location for filming - they took place on Tenerife. We lived at the hotel on the seashore, and every morning I went to swim. Assistant brought us for breakfast of smoothies, fresh juices. Octopuses for lunch at the shooting - also, of course, a rarity. Plus I had excellent partners, young, talented - Artem Suchkov, Roma Popov, - with which it was very comfortable to work.

- In this project you worked with a star of domestic cinema Dmitry Nagiyev. Tell me, is there a difference between Celabriti Hollywood and our? It seems to me, our more patheosna.

"I confess, I was told about Dmitry that he holds a distance, puts certain boundaries. And I even worried about our first joint scene. But, perhaps, because I immediately began to tell him about filming in America, he treated me as equal. I did not notice any manifestations of Star Disease. True, Dmitry lived in another hotel. We had a good hotel, but, apparently, he had even better. (Smiles.) Our joint scenes I remember me that he improvises a lot and thus achieves a lively partner reaction. For example, when, according to the script, I take him an interview, he suddenly unexpectedly puts my leg to his knee - I immediately have a reaction like a regular girl: what you do, you invade my personal space! In fact, I do not like very much when unfamiliar people touch me. I remember when I just arrived in Moscow, for me it was a shock that everyone here greets through kisses. Then I got used to a little.

- It was so that you came closer with partners on the set to friendly relations?

- The closest contact occurred in America with Hollywood actor Will Trevel. He played my husband in the movie "Treasure Hunter" and conquered me with his humanity, kindness. He is happily married, but they have a serious difficulty with his wife, which they are trying to overcome. We got very closest, I came home to them, he covered on the table - he cooks perfectly. Probably Will is my biggest friendship after filming, mostly friendly relations were.

Jacket and skirt, all - Galina Podzolko; Bag, Christian Dior; Shoes, Prada.

Jacket and skirt, all - Galina Podzolko; Bag, Christian Dior; Shoes, Prada.

Photo: Anna Yakovleva (Oui-Photo)

- Ask a question about novels on the set, probably meaningless?

- You can ask. (Laughs.) But, firstly, when I play love scenes, I follow the advice of Ivanna Chabbak - mentally replacing the partner in the shooting of a man with whom I at this point I meet. I never fell in love with my colleagues. I will say more: with those with whom I am in a plot of a wig, I sometimes have a mutual dislike. And, as a rule, it begins by the man.

- Probably, they guess that you imagine someone else on their place.

- Perhaps it hurts them. (Laughs.) But does not harm the film at all. I read that Ryan Gosling and Rachel Makadams, who were filmed in one of my favorite pictures - "Memory Diaries", actually hated each other. Probably, the actors are not my type at all. I can not say that I am jealous and I will worry, seeing it on the screen in the embrace of some kind of beauty, but the actress in the family should be alone. It is generally difficult for me to fall in love, especially at first glance. Surprisingly, but I received proposals for your hands and hearts from those who were not even in a relationship. Apparently, so they tried to break through my armor. For me it was very strange. A man must go a long way before achieving my location. For some reason, I initially do not trust strong sex representatives.

- Was it unfortunate first love?

- Not! The first love was just very happy. I even even shot a short film that dedicated to that man. Probably, it was still before, in childhood. I first fell in love for five years, and it lasted this feeling eleven years. Everything ended at the moment when this boy offered me to meet. And I refused - I was hurt: how can you be so inexcusing so long not to notice anything? In my understanding, a man must be active and take some actions to conquer a woman. I am for romantic, knightly love that needs to prove actions. And I love pleasant surprises very much - I like it when a man tries to please me and surprise me. And just that person to whom I dedicated my film was so.

- What surprises did he do?

- For example, on my birthday, he changed into a sheikh costume. We were then poor students, he had not yet had a car, and he asked his brother to bring him. They made a car in Arabic style, and he sang my love songs. Maybe, for the actor, it would be a common thing, but it is absolutely not from the acting sphere, we were then both studied on the legal. And on the Fourteenth of February, the beloved drove me to the university on a chic white limousine who was leased. There were many such bright emotions. I still feel very well to this person and I wish him all the best, kind, because he did so much for me, showed the beautiful side of the world. He knew how to surprise and enjoy life. I am grateful to him for the fact that my first love was exactly so - clean, sincere, bright. Trust in the relationship is the most important thing. When each other's partners are cheating, relationships are doomed. Whatever love, you need to find strength and leave.

Dress, Galina Podzolko

Dress, Galina Podzolko

Photo: Anna Yakovleva (Oui-Photo)

- Are you happy now?

- For the first time in many years I stay in harmony. In the summer I went to the pilgrimage - was in Greece, on the island of Corfu, in Italy, in Bari. Traveling through the holy places helped me gain a mental balance. My personal life was too similar to the storm. On the other hand, many people have never experienced strong feelings, and I had such love that the roof was demolished. But all these emotional shakes, swing loosen the nervous system. Now I caught a harmonious wave, and I comfortably. I do not know if I want global changes in my life, the family, while I like it, as it is. You see: I wear three bracelets, the so-called tears of the Virgin, they knit them in Athos, is protected from all sides. For a long time I did not recognize any faiths, but it seems to me that artists should defend themselves, including from themselves. The actors who have achieved certain heights in the profession are very often susceptible to self-destruction. The dischargeable nervous system is, of course, good for roles, but it can be dangerous for life. I'm on the sign of the zodiac twins, we generally have a very mobile psyche.

- I think you are hard to carry the routine.

- Yes, that is why my ideal partner is an adventure lover, too, like me, a little crazy in a good sense of the word.

- You have a wonderful photo session in Paris, which we have published on the pages of the journal; In the city of lovers, probably need to go not alone?

- I'm a psycho-loner in this regard. Looking at my instagram, someone will think: apparently, she has a very rich man with whom she travels. No, I often go on a journey alone. I love to walk in unfamiliar cities, I find interesting excursions. And in Paris, I also had one, flew to the show of my girlfriend-designer. Of course, I would like to be in Paris also with your loved one. In general, if I had the opportunity, I would always travel with my beloved - I really want to share my emotions. But, alas, while so it does not work.

- Where would you like to get your hand and heart offer?

- The very first thing came to mind is Italy. But since I love surprises, I would like something unusual. Maybe in the restaurant in the dark ... or in a balloon ... But since I voiced it, my man will most likely come up with something else.

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