Flower and smell: How to cope with allergies?


Many people believe that they were lucky and this trouble did not touch them. It's a delusion. According to medical statistics, almost every fifth resident of the globe suffers from various allergic reactions. Oddly enough, most of this risk group do not even know about their problem. Sometimes poor well-being is written off on a trivial cold. And meanwhile in the other. It is also worth noting that allergies are not necessarily manifested in childhood. She can break the usual course of your life at any time.

Sir at the root!

In some cases, it is not so difficult to determine the disease. If in response to a bouquet of flowers to the eighth of March you have tears, and clearly not from an excess of emotions, then you absolutely need to take urgent measures. If in the summer you often suffer from the symptoms of a cold (especially if this state is not accompanied by an increased temperature), then it is possible that you have fallen into the chain paws of polinosa. And then you also need to contact the specialists. By the way, in Europe, doctors recommend absolutely everyone (even those who have no warring symptoms) to undergo a mandatory consultation at an allergologist, which will determine what exactly can cause a negative reaction from your body. And if you need, it will prescribe true treatment.

Wandering in dotmakes

If you think that in order to defeat allergies, sufficiently stock with antihistamine drugs, then you are mistaken. First, such tablets also need to competently pick up. Each patient is suitable for his medicine, and what helps one will be useless for the other. Not to mention the fact that all this gives only the temporary effect of relief. In fact, allergies can be treated. There are specific immunotherapy, which allows you to overcome this ailment. The full course lasts up to several months, but there is also an accelerated, which takes about sixty days. Even along a shortened medical program, you can well prepare the body to a dangerous season to easily survive it.

Sit down on a diet

Also those who suffer from seasonal allergies should pay special attention to their nutrition, because in this case, an allergy and some foods can be manifested. So, people who are sharply reacting to the pollen of birch and alder, it is necessary to refrain from the use of forest nuts, almonds, cherries, apricots, kiwi, peaches, celery and even potatoes. If the deterioration of well-being causes pollen of wormwood, dahlia, dandelion, chamomile, eliminate citrus, chocolate, chicory, honey, corn, beer from the diet, chocolate, and kvass. And the increased susceptibility to the blooming swan is often expressed by allergies on beets and spinach. It is better to suffer temporary inconvenience, and when the dangerous season is over, you can safely return to your favorite food.

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