Alan Mamaeva: "What should I do if the father hates you?"


A few hours ago, an unexpected publication appeared on the personal page "Instagram" Alan Mamaeva. In her, the girl told about problems in relations between members of her family. "What to do, if the father of her husband hates you, and does everything you divorce? And you, as an evil, everything is fine, "(spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx.), - writes a 32-year-old model.

In the comments, the users of the social networks advised the spouse of the midfielder of the Rostov club Pavel Mamaeva "include female wisdom" and not pay attention to the soldiers of a relative. Someone believes that Alan must open his own business to prove all its worth.

It is known that the couple together since 2013. They have a common daughter Alice. Also an athlete adopted the son of Alana from the first marriage by Alex. Recall that earlier the chief of a football player has repeatedly accused a man in infidelity. Some believe that she also changed Paul. Be that as it may, apparently, the desire to preserve the family in their case transferred all the controversial situations.

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