Muse for seven seas: why the sake of the music of the star moved abroad


Recently, Singer Andrei Gubin moved to permanent residence in Egypt to Dahab. There, as the media reports, he will be engaged in creativity and relax. To live in the Arab country inexpensively, especially if you have a passive income. Moreover, Gubin is not the only one who accepted such a decision - many stars moved abroad and engage in music there. Womanhit combined them in today's selection:


In January of this year, Rita, along with his daughter, a young man and a former husband, flew one of the last flights to Bali Island. Now it is engaged in music - writes new texts and records clips, her guy Fedya accompanies Rita on the guitar and helps to record short rollers, and Mia's daughter just enjoys the warmth and ocean. For Rita Bali - a place of force, where she is easy to live and create, so every year she necessarily flies there on vacation.

Katya Kishchuk

The former soloist of the Serebro group has left the team several years ago and moved to the UK to live with the beloved, famous Slowthai Rapper. The girl planned to engage in creativity not for the sake of money, but for the sake of creative development. However, everything turned out not so simple. "Literally ten minutes ago, I informed my man with fear that I am afraid to release something in order to dislaunt him. He sat and laughed. Let you also have the one who will tell you the "stupid" or "stupid" and gain you a bathroom, "Katya shared.

Natalia Vetalitskaya

In 2004, together with her husband and child, the star of the 90s moved to Spain. In 2020, she wanted triumphantly to return to Russia with already familiar hits and a new program, but a pandemic had happened, and Natalia had to go back to a new homeland. In Spain, the star lives securely: she has a big house in the city of Dénia, located near the sea.

Maria Rzhevskaya

But not everyone continues the creative way after moving. The former "manufacturer" and the performer of the hit "When I become a cat" quickly got married and moved along with my husband to permanent residence in London. She is one of the few who abandoned the singer's career for the sake of family. Maria received the acting and designer education, began to engage in projects in the capital of England and now sings only at the gala concerts type events.

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