Agutin told about the American daughter: "She says that Russian, and does it with pleasure"


Leonid Agutin frankly spoke in an interview with the "Personal Communications" program Yuri Kostin not only about show business, but also about his family affairs. To the question, whether rumors about his youngest daughter Lisa, who allegedly knows Russian, the artist answered that the situation was already corrected.

Their common with Angelica Varum daughter from early childhood lived in Miami with her grandfather, and at some point Leonid Agutin really experienced about her identity. "I was terribly terribly," the artist admitted. - I thought about what I could talk at all with a child who did not know Russian literature ... "

Leonid Agutin and Yuri Kostin

Leonid Agutin and Yuri Kostin

Photo: Press Service "Personal Communications"

Everything changed unexpectedly and quickly, star parents did not even understand how it happened. First, Lisa spoke well and easily herself, especially the Russian. Then she was breaking through, even by SMS she began to respond not in English, but in Russian. Agutin was preparing at first: "Lisa, tell me, please honestly - this is because you have a need to write in Russian, or because you are shy of my English?" The daughter was surprised: "No, I do not hesitate, dad, and what, I misinterpreting?"

Elizabeth - General daughter Leonid Agutina and Angelica Varum

Elizabeth - General daughter Leonid Agutina and Angelica Varum

Photo: Press Service "Personal Communications"

Since then, the musician communicates with his daughter in Russian, he is sure that she will benefit. The artist inspired her since childhood, that a person should be someone from somewhere, and is now very happy that he achieved success. "She says that Russian, and does it with pleasure," he noted in an interview. - Because beautiful, smart, talented girl, brilliantly owning English, can even be Russian. And it is beautiful. "

Elizabeth Agutin

Elizabeth Agutin

Photo: Press Service "Personal Communications"

Leonid Agutin expressed and about the American boyfriend's daughter: "Good guy, kindly guitarist, a singer, a musician, in general." Young people brought together love for music, Lisa has their rock team with which she stands up, although not as often as she would like.

"She was told:" You either continue to learn, either go to work, because we all understand the music of music, but there are some things ... "- Leonid Agutin shared. "She works, it's not just given, but, in general, lives an adult life, trying to somehow answer for his life itself. The eldest (Polina lives in London, - approx.) Also works. They are such girls responsible, naked, in this sense I am satisfied. "

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