Slimming Strip: Tips for Beginners


Traditionally, in spring in the gym and in fitness classes, do not push around, because almost all of us are concerned with the same thing - weight loss. How to quickly lose weight and bring yourself into shape with physical exercises that can be done not only in the hall, but at home? An old, good plank comes to the rescue. After all, the fact that, being 2 minutes in the bar, we spend 2 times more calories than training the press muscle with other exercises.

Planck - truly unique exercise. It has come to the life of a modern man from yoga. There, the plank is Asana "log" (Chaturanga Dandasana), which is essentially a pioneer on 4 supports. Today, the plank is used everywhere as a method that allows you to achieve good results not only in weight loss, but also to strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

- Planck is the prevention of pain in the back, neck, lumbar department, as it helps to improve the state of the muscles of the zones.

- It has an impact on the muscles of the abdomen, forming a press, and at the same time improves digestion.

- Planck is one of the most effective calorie burning exercises.

- improves blood circulation and positively affects the respiratory system of man.

- With the help of the plank, you can pump up the muscles of the hands and legs.

- Makes posture beautiful and is the best prevention of osteochondrosis.

In addition, you should not forget that, like any exercise of yoga, the plank affects the psycho-emotional state of the person for the better, reduces fatigue, contribute to the charge of cheerfulness and energetic for the whole day.

Nina Kolomiyceva

Nina Kolomiyceva

According to the uninitiated and newcomers, the Chaturanga of Dandasan is a simple exercise - it seems to them that it seems to be a bit of 2 minutes in the "log post", it's not so difficult to breathe. But the execution of the plank requires not only concentration and effort: to get the desired effect, the bar must be performed correctly. Here are some important advice:

1. Since Planck - Difficult Exercise You need control over. Therefore, at the initial stage, make a bar in front of the mirror or write yourself to your smartphone to see your possible errors.

2. Do not try to stand in the bar for more than 20 seconds at first time. Increase the time gradually, adding for 10 seconds every day and gradually you can simultaneously have a record 20 minutes in it.

3. Make a bar regular - Better every day or every other day so that the body gets used to, and the muscles "remembered" the load.

four. Take the starting position - Lying on the stomach, palm placed on the sides of the body in the chest area, legs remain stretched and raised on the tips of the fingers. Lift the body by making the maximum focus on your fingers and legs and palms. As a result, your body based on the hands bent in the elbows and elongated legs standing on the tips of the fingers should look like a straight line. Remember that the stop in the floor is carried out using the toes and palms, and not elbow.

five. Taz Keep parallel to the floor Try not to raise the buttocks. Spin smooth - bending in the zeal area should not be therefore exercise is performed with a "strong abdomen" (tighten the stomach). The head must be lowered down, the shoulders of the catch from the ears.

6. We save in the plank deep, even breathing.

Starting to make a bar, you will understand how difficult it is and is almost unbearable to sing in it even 15 seconds. But do not despair. First, remember that the plank is Asana, and finding it should be comfortable, just that it benefits the body. Therefore, fixes in the bar and find the position in which you perform it is convenient. Some helps compressing hands in cams. If it does not work focus on the palm / cams, make it an exception to elbows.

Chaturanga Dandasana can be diversified by a bunch of poses that will help you strengthen your back and strengthen the muscles to hold the bar for a longer time. While in the bar, try to raise it left alternately, then right legs. Make the transition to the top bar (the pose of the plank on the elongated hands) for this you need to be blown and bend the elbow joints. You can also supplement the complex with such asanas as a "dog muzzle" and "Dog muzzle down", and the "Dolphin Pose".

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