Cumberbatch and head hunters: unusual holiday stories from Hollywood stars


Vacation is always fine, it seems, you will finally relax and restore strength. But here the stars who almost lost their health can argue with you, and someone and life during the next holiday. Today we will tell you who are not lucky to spend the vacation calmly and, most importantly, safely.

How a Benedict with thugs fought

Back in 2005, the British actor Benedict Cumberbatch went on vacation in South Africa, where an extremely unpleasant situation happened to the artist. On one of the roads with a rare movement, Cumberbet's company puncture the bus of his car. As soon as the friends of the actor came out of the car, they were surrounded by unfriendly people with a weapon. Fortunately, the head hunters did not recognize the Hollywood actor and simply tied, throwing away from the curb. However, before this, things and pockets of the actor and his friends carefully searched and took all values. Benedict himself does not particularly like to remember this case.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch

"Spy Games"

Lindsay Lohan and Death Virus

Long before the coronavirus epidemic, Hollywood diva Lindsay Lohan faced another, no less dangerous virus during the rest on the Islands of French Polynesia. The actress refused to be vaccinated, as a result, grabbing a local infection. As experts say, almost half the case death comes after infection. If you manage to cure, a person has long been pain in the joints for a long time. Fortunately for Lindsay, she managed to avoid the saddest finals and "stand on his feet" rather quickly.

Ann Hathaway almost lost in the ocean

An unpleasant story happened to the actress during the rest in the Hawaiian Islands. The girl did not enter the water too far from the coast, however, the underwater flow was intensified, Ann just did not notice this, and was imperceptible on a pretty decent distance from the coast. In this case, there was no one on the shore. The flow dragged the girl on sharp reefs, the actress pretty seriously damaged his legs. But the surfer came nearby, who came to the help of Hollywood diva. We hope that Ann will be attentive in the future.

Ann Hataway

Ann Hataway

Arnold Schwarzenegger and dangerous descent

Despite the fact that the birthplace of the Hollywood actor and the former Governor of California - Austria, even such an experienced skier, like Iron Arnie, got into an unpleasant situation. In 2006, the actor rested at the mountain resort, where he made an unsuccessful descent from the slope: Arnold stumbled on his ski stick and seriously damaged the thigh. And Schwarzenegger was required operation, during which the bones had to fasten with iron plates.

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