"I am a poor church mouse": Sobchak spoke about financial problems


There are rumors that Journalist Ksenia Sobchak faced material difficulties. The press reported that the construction of her country house was suspended. As it became known, the work was frozen, so the work brigade was lagging behind.

Sobchak should have moved to the mansion over 40 million rubles last summer. The media suggested that Ksenia began financial problems.

The journalist did not be silent and in his TELEGRAM channel in ironic form stated that she really encountered material difficulties. "Finally, at least someone realized that in fact I had a poor church mouse, which had gone to the parental inheritance and renting crystal grinders to let all diamond dust in the eyes" (the spelling and punctuation of the author were preserved - approx.) - Sobchak noted.

Ksenia explained that the construction was suspended, since first of all she invests in his business. However, according to the star, she believes few people. "It's like that. Lack of money. I stand on pellets. The situation is desperate. Here, as they say, my Yandex-wallet, "Sobchak concluded.

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