Fury driving or clever: How men react to female drivers


The woman behind the wheel always called and, most likely, will always cause contradictory emotions from men's drivers. Someone admires when a beautiful girl, skillfully comes out of a difficult situation on the road, and other men try to avoid conflicts with a woman who obviously only recently received rights. Today we have collected the most popular opinions of men on this matter, and in a hurry to share with you.

Woman can frighten

Men are very often admitted that the woman behind the wheel is alarming, if not to say more. Until now, there is an opinion on women-dangerous drivers. Alexander, an experienced driver who told us about his fears, arising whenever on the horizon he sees a cute car with a pretty girl behind the wheel: "In such a situation, I always do not care about something - it seems now something will be. Perhaps the girl is perfectly driven, but I always keep the Ear East, especially on complex junctions. "

Most men are not against if their woman will drive a car

Most men are not against if their woman will drive a car

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

The more women on the roads, the better

There is also the opposite point of view: many men admit that women are more accurate, which cannot be said about men. It is difficult to disagree here, because women, as specialists declare, a sense of self-preservation is more developed. Stanislav - a car enthusiast, who agreed to share his opinion on the female driving style: "I really like when a woman really drives well, does not try to trim and does not go to overtaking. This causes respect. But with men, it is often necessary to conflict on the road, and very often. Give more women on our roads! "

Not yet decided

A difficult situation with newcomers behind the wheel, which have not yet managed to compare the styles of driving both sexes. So, Vitaly, who was only three months ago, he expressed the right, spoke on this topic as follows: "I honestly, I don't know why I should somehow allotment women from the total number of drivers. I, at least, did not come across bad drivers in the face of women. Well, or I have not met them yet. I can say that a personal car in a girl is very convenient, for example, I don't need to break down and drive it somewhere, she can safely reach the sam. So, yes, I think, a woman behind the wheel, rather, a positive moment on the road. "

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