Keira Knightley: "I am not ashamed of my passion for drinking"


The fragile British beauty of Keira Knightley is one of those amazing women who are literally all that they are neither taken. The acting career, in which the girl came consciously, is brilliantly - at least, there are already two nominations for Oscar on the account of Nightley. Soon, the long-awaited picture "Ghost beauty" will appear on the screens, thanks to which the ambitious naytley is plans to return to the list of the most popular and attractive actresses of modernity.

- Kira, hello! You know, many are still afraid to take your interview. Apparently, it developed historically - all your conversations come out with journalists ...

- Too intense, tense, right? It is so, but now I am much more calm than, for example, up to twenty-five years. Then I was a rather neurotic person. Very painful reacted to criticism, for any remark, especially concerning my work, was ready to break into battle.

- Did you change the pregnancy?

- I know-know all young mother say so. Of course, the pregnancy changed me, but if we return to what we were talking about - about my extremely smoking maximalist character, then everything happened earlier. Just in one day I woke up and realized that I no longer want to be nervous, Dergan, eternally offended victim, which should always defend his place and in everything. In addition, for twenty-five, I have already developed a wonderful career ... But the habit of rushing into any dispute, to answer every word the flow of words formed from my childhood.

- So what happened? Something unexpected?

- Exactly! The most unexpected event in the world. (Laughs.) I remember this day, as if he was yesterday. My birthday, I am twenty-five. I woke up, and ... You know, as if everything fell into place. My friends and I went to bowling. We have been organized a rather stupid party with karaoke (which I, by the way, I can not endure) and a bunch of balloons. Many cupcakes. A lot of drinking. It was just fine. And among all this holiday I seem to be illuminated. I remember very clear that moment. The moment I got up to the right way.

Keira Knightley:

Picture "Play, like Beckham" has become a significant step of Kira on the way to fame

Frame from the movie "Play, like Beckham"

- You know, frankly, a strange story. Mostly people who decided to start changing their lives and attitude towards her, are experiencing some strong stress.

- Yes, I do not believe myself! But I will make you believe. Just one day I got out of bed and went to celebrate a new day - a new man. Very tired of whining. So desperately wanted to be happy that suddenly all these stupid promsions about "Want - just be it!" Steel real. There is no secret of joy. Want - just rejoice.

- I do not trust you.

- You just know that in addition to your own desire, psychotherapy helped me. (Smiles.) By the way, I do not hide it, I speak at every corner. I think it is responsible, in an adult - and then I really wanted to feel responsible and adult, and not a stupid skinny teenager.

- What do you mean?

- Well, psychotherapy. This is a conscious step, very mature, it seems to me. After working with psychologists, all my complexes were on the surface - and I could overcome them. So, for example, who would have thought, what am I a very timid and shy person?

Keira Knightley:

In the film "King Arthur" Knightley starred with the British sex-shalla Claiv Owen

Frame from the movie "King Arthur"

- To say frankly, no. For a shy person, you are quite often exposed in front of the cameras.

- But you understand that these are just the games of the mind? I try to remove my fears and complexes in this way. It turns out, by the way, on "excellent." I'll tell you about exposure later. Ask necessarily. (Laughs.) And so - I really had a painful man for a long time. Apparently, hence my aggression to journalists. (Smiles.) And I went for many years to go through it, take and overcome. In fact, a lot of work is really done here - but you do not think, I'm not praising myself, I just tell. Through your damn head all these "should" are something. "I have to dress so, and not so," "I have to give up", "I must be more feminine." In all these imaginary responsibilities, you can drown and feel pleasure from life.

- You really seem more relaxed than usual. Does this mean that we can talk about your personal life? I remember, you rather abruptly answered all questions about boyfriends, almost "I do not have a concept who is this man." Now everything has changed?

- Oh yeah! (Laughs.) I remember perfectly, as answered in this way. "Never heard about this!" My spouse (then he was in the status of a friend) was very surprised by reading this. Said: "You do not know me, say? We should get to know you closer? " And made a proposal. I remember once I promised the press that as soon as my husband and children appear in my life, I will become more open to the discussion of personal life. So, get!

- Now few young people are resolved at the conclusion of official marriage. It seems like easier and more pleasant to stay just a couple. And you and James Raton are quite soon for now, they announced the engagement. Now you are together for five years. How do you in the role of my wife?

- First of all, I will say that the marriage does not change anything at all. Just you do not have legal problems - being spouses in the face of the law, you are at the state level the closest to each other people. You can, for example, calmly visit each other in hospitals. (Laughs.) Our life with James is the usual life of the most ordinary people. We even cook at home, and he is much cooled in this matter.

- How did you meet?

- I hope our daughter will never know it. (Smiles.) We met on a dinner called, we introduced one common friend. By the way, this is important! We were brought by a guy named Tim, not Alex Chang (Alex Chang - a model, TV presenter and journalist. - Approx. Aut.). Just for some reason, all the magazines assure that it was she who introduced us to each other. So we were very drunk. It seems to discuss literature or something. To be honest, I do not remember the moment badly. And I have nothing to tell grandchildren.

Keira Knightley:

"A husband from those personalities that look like a bright light source, everything is drawn to them. I am from those who sits in a dark corner. Objectively he is much better than me, "Kira is sure. With James Raton

Photo: Rex Features /

- Did you have a fucked youth?

- Even some! I started to shoot at an early age, and I desperately lacked fun - drunken, parties, adventures, turbulent novels. I have pretty democratic parents, but I did not want to disappoint them, so I really tried very hard to be a right girl. In school, I remember myself with a culberry with a book under the arm. And you are probably aware that I suffer to congenital dyslexia (violation of reading and writing. - Approx. Auth.). It was an additional stimulus to continue to learn, respond to the lessons, to be the first in everything and everywhere. I even went to the college, but the beginning of my studies had to be at the peak of my popularity - so I had to quit it. It turns out, one of my goal is an excellent study, replaced the other - to become a real actress. And to paint the time for fun did not always succeed. So do not be surprise that when a free evening fell out, I drank up, danced before you drop and woke up in strangers to me. In the end, I am British, I'm not ashamed of my passion for pubs and good drinking!

"But now, with the birth of a daughter, everything changed?"

"She has been a year and a half, so I'm still choosing evenings in order to desperately hope!" (Laughs.) But in fact, James and James became really much calmer and rational. In the end, I already went to thirty-second! We are fine with him - David Foster Walhes, Somerset Moem. And this is despite the fact that in the warehouse of character we are more tech, although both studied on a humanitarian specialty. My husband has a degree in history and political science, he is a big story lover. Sorry, what did you ask about? I'm just still very in love with my spouse and I can talk about it for hours.

- They say, on your thirtieth birthday, James arranged you a real holiday. Tell me how it was!

- You see, I dreamed of all my life to become thirty years old. It sounds rather strange, but it is. My mother assures that I have already resembled a forty-five-year-old Madam, and it looks like the truth. Therefore, it always seemed to me that the thirty will make a merger of my inner world with external manifestations. In short, I wanted all my life to celebrate this day on a wide leg. But, as you know, everything went out a bit differently, as I counted. I was on my birthday in the eighth month of pregnancy. No alcohol. No dance! I was depressed in advance, but James organized a wonderful lunch in one of my favorite restaurants. About twenty my friends and relatives came. Everyone to the voice assured me: "You see how you can have fun, without drinking a drop!", At the same time, pumped up with excellent champagne. Then we went to our whole company to our home, where there was a huge number of inflatable balls. Our drunken guests half had all before one, shouted "Happy Birthday!", Rooms were having fun, having fun, drank, drank ... As a result, we left for about three o'clock in the morning. It was really fine, but a little offensive.

The image of Anna Karenina, created by the actress, deserved and unreacted criticism - and loud praises

The image of Anna Karenina, created by the actress, deserved and unreacted criticism - and loud praises

Frame from the film "Anna Karenina"

- Do you like your husband?

- Largely. But you know, he is from those personalities that look like a bright light source in the middle of the room. Everyone is drawn to them. I ... In general, you understand. I'm annoying. I am aggressive. Of those who are sitting in a dark corner. Speaking objectively, he is much better than me.

- I remember, you stated that after the birth of my daughter, you finally took ourselves completely.

- Yes. This love you feel - she is striking. This is very primitive - yes, a perfectly suitable word! - Primitive love. You're no longer sleep, do not eat, and you still full forces for this huge love. As for making themselves: as a woman, I can assure you that each of us has parts of the body that we hate. You know, we look at the mirror and think: "Oh, well, why do I have such legs (or hands, or belly, or anything!)" And then we go through pregnancy, childbirth, feeding your baby - and perceive themselves completely differently . Now I am fully satisfied with my figure - yes, angular, boyish, with sharp knees and protruding clavicles, with the lack of female seductive bends and big breasts. And all thanks to my Edie.

- Now you come back in a big movie after a break. Was your attitude to criticism? I remember, you very painfully perceived non-useful statements in your address.

- To pregnancy it seemed to me that I was one hundred percent kayfu from my work. I had a lot of chic projects. I was very lucky with George Lucas and "Star Wars", which opened me the road to the big world of the movie. I received real pleasure, removing in "Play, like Beckham", in the Pirates of the Caribbean, in Anna Karenina. But this buzz darked critics and anti-fanits, I was dependent on the opinion of the crowd of people, ready to tell me what, where and how I did wrong. I remember the scandal with the director John Carney, who began to accuse me in unprofessionalism and inability to play. It was very disappointing. But now I look at it completely differently. Once I asked myself: "And who are all these people who are gone? Some people enjoy my game, some are not. I will try for those who really like me. "

Keira Knightley:

The role in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" made Kiru Hollywood star

Frame from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"

- Are you planning to continue to act in big blockbusters like "pirates"? Or focus on projects like a "dangerous method" or "ghostly beauty", which will soon come out? So to speak, what will win: Mass movies against serious?

"I'm not sure that it is ready to immerse yourself in the blockbuster, despite the fact that as a viewer I adore films like" pirates. " Just it takes a lot of time and effort, which I want to dedicate Edie. But in general, in the very near future, I want to return to Acting one hundred percent. I plan to work - and work as much as possible. This is a kind of dependence, which I want to be susceptible to all my life. I am ready to be an actor without fees - the money in this profession is far from the main thing. In the end, there are other ways to make money.

- Are you talking about your model career?

- Exactly. By the way, I was very surprised when Chanel called me to become their face. But my surprise did not go into any comparison with the shock of my mother, who knows me exclusively as a tutor in a male jumpsuit. And she always reminds me to change clothes on a more feminine when I am going to an interview.

- And after all, what do you think, why did they choose you?

- In a strange way, the landiness and glamor comes in me - at least, so my agents told me. (Laughs.)

Before Marriage, Kira hid his romantic hobbies. With his wife James Raton and Edi's daughter

Before Marriage, Kira hid his romantic hobbies. With his wife James Raton and Edi's daughter

Photo: Rex Features /

- And tell me about your relationship with your parents. They say you are very close.

- My parents help me very much. Take at least dad, thanks to which I gained this strange name. Kira - Have you ever thought that this is not very in British? My father was a passionate fan of the Soviet figure skater of Kira Ivanova and forced her mother to register me just like this. But mom has confused a little (instead of Kiera recorded both Keira. - Approx. Aut.). Dad was extremely dissatisfied with this spelling error. But, perhaps, this is the whole. Solid spelling error.

- And mom? What do you have any relationship with her?

"It was she who taught me to love lipstick - the only remedy for decorative cosmetics, which I adore and recognize. It is like perfect weapon directed into the world like armor. When the mother was issued not the most successful day, something went wrong, she approached the mirror and painted with a red lipstick. And so far I do the same.

- Do you have your favorite kinheroeni? Maybe carnine or lara from Dr. Zhivago?

"I am strictly related to my own works, so I can not tell you who played me closer to me. Probably carnine further all over temperament. Well, suicidal moods are not mine. But in general, I will answer. I adore Scarlett O'Hara from the "Gone by the Wind". She is my idol. She is a real bitch, which makes exclusively what he wants, despite the universal disapproval. Everyone wants to live like Scarlett, isn't it?

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