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At the end of the 20th century, scientists called the major threat to human health in the following century. Diseases for some more 30 years ago was rare, but statistics did not even have been conducted. It arose suddenly and appeared nowhere. And in a short time spread with catastrophic speed. This is an allergy. In Western Europe, 35 percent of the adult population suffers from different forms of allergies. But at the beginning of the two thousandths, this figure was two times lower. I found out how to protect yourself and relatives from the pandemic of the XXI century, as the doctors allergic is called.

Until now, doctors cannot accurately name the causes of allergies. It is known that pollen plants are considered the most common and strong allergen. But at the same time, allergies among villagers are much smaller than among urban. So in Berlin allergies, every fourth resident suffers, in Moscow - every third, in New York - every sixth. Experts believe that all the cause of polluting particles, which in the city air is much greater than in rural. And it can confirm any hostess living in a metropolis, and makes daily wet cleaning to get rid of the dust permanently present in the apartment.

Probably, everyone saw in the ray of sunlight whirlwind of small dust swirls in our house. With this dust it is impossible to fight: it settles on the furniture, wallpaper, carpets, we breathe it. Now life has changed noticeably compared to 30 years earlier, when our moms and grandmothers did general cleaning for the new year and Easter. Now it happens much more often, as dirt and dust clogs in all corners of our house. But the most unpleasant thing is that in most cases all our efforts are in vain.


For example, how are we cleaning upholstered furniture? Wipe with a damp cloth and vacuum cleaner. But in this way, the dirt is removed only from the upholstery material, and in most cases, it is simply smeared. At the same time, dust and contamination move into the depth of the filler, often becoming the cause of the appearance of an allergic reaction. The same applies to mattresses, pillows, carpets, in which death of human skin and pets, larvae, the excrement of the microclast accumulate. It has been proven that about 4 million sapropites live in the mattress for a double bed. And this dirt that we breathe is the cause of chronic fatigue, headaches and allergies. And the most unpleasant that we will not cope with the usual vacuum cleaner.


Doctors advise clean furniture, mattresses, pillows and carpets only with special equipment and means. For this, it is enough to call specialists twice a year. For example, the company "Diana-Clining" has been operating since 1998 and included in the network of laundry laundries "Diana", such specialists and equipment are.


Nikolai Golovin, Chief Specialist of Diana-Clining:

"In order to understand what is happening with a stain when furniture gets into the surface, spend an experiment. Take the usual sponge for washing the dishes and drop a drop of wine, jam or ketchup on it, and then squeeze the sponge several times, as you do when using a dishwashing agent. What do we see? The stain penetrated deep into the sponge! And now you get a couple of water drops from above, as if you want to remove it spot. Do not even squeezing the sponge, it will be noticeable that it not only became even more and spread over the surface, but also penetrated even more deep into. The same thing happens with any kind of pollution, including dust, on our furniture.


Physics and chemistry prove that as soon as the dirt is reacted with water, it becomes more than the size, and it is not a fact that it can go to the surface of the furniture through the fibers of the fabric.

When a specialist of our company comes to the client, he sets itself the task of determining the degree and type of pollution, the depth of its penetration, the type of upholstery material and on the basis of this, to make a decision which technology and how to use to remove this pollution. As a rule, we use 3 types of technology and, depending on the situation, we recommend our customers what exactly apply in their case. This knockout, the dry foam method and a wet cleaning method. "


Special eco-machines work along the geyser-separator technology, that is, the dirt and dust are knocked up to the base. After that, spots are removed by special means, and then produce overall cleaning by dry foam. The same is done with carpets. Under pressure on the carpet, a detergent is supplied, which dissolves pollution and then collects it. Such processing of all soft coatings will significantly reduce the presence of dust in the apartment and reduce the risks of allergies.


It is also worth acting with curtains, especially with those that cannot be removed, wrapping or to go into dry cleaning. In cleaning companies that have been working on this market for a long time, there is such a service as a dry-cleaner curtain at home. With the help of dry, wet or steam cleaning, experts will help to get rid of most allergens contained in dust on curtains.


The same goes and cleaning at home, car wash. A special inventory is needed, with the help of which the masters will be able to get to the most inaccessible places in the apartment, thereby not only retaining your strength and time, but paying from in vain work to combat dust. And if such procedures do at least as general cleaning, then the air in the house will become much cleaner, and therefore the favorite people are healthier.

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