Elena Nikolaev: "Life is right questions"


"You know what I understood - we are afraid to find out how much we are capable and talented in fact. We are afraid of the height, which we can achieve. Pleasure every day from your beloved business? No, thanks - this is not for me. Otherwise - how to explain why so many dreamers and so few of those persistently trying their dreams to implement?

Yes, there are always circumstances. Always "somehow" here is already very unknown - there.

And also you know, there is such an observation about the crabs in the basket - the one who is trying to dig up, the rest - their own - tightened back. "It will not work," "there is everything only for communication and money" ... And you personally checked?

And here are still saying clever - "Find a job in the soul and do not have to work in your life." "Wait at the right time in the right place." So, why - we do not mind. Thousands of people are read by such motivators and mesh remained with the morning, which is necessary for hated work.

And also talk about it thousands of examples - when you work on your talent - you become indispensable. And such talent, really, is in each of us? How to find it? And just really. What do you want? What resources do you have for this? What resources are needed for this and what time do you intend to get them? What are the strengths and what are weak? What are you talented and what - would like to be.

Right now take a sheet of paper, divide it by perpendicular lines - so that two halves turn out to be, in the bottom - the denominator is a consolidated part.

Left - Write everything, what you think you are talented. Follow your talent - real pleasure. Therefore, write out everything you like to do. For which you are particularly praised. Feel free - notice any little things. Maybe in your society, household flowers grow better, more often bloom. Or - you wonderfully fold the words in the sentence. Or you have a gift of conviction. Or maybe you sew-knit, draw, you know how to cook and in this case, you do not have equal in your environment and surroundings of restaurants? Or you know how to maintain communication. You have a quick mind, or slow - deep, thoughtful. All this - you and your value now.

On the right half of the leaf write everything to what you would like to be talented. What admires you in other people? What would I like to learn?

Glory? Money? Wake up a little earlier alarm clock - and run - strive to go into work, rejoice at the beginning of the day. And what will you do then?

Maybe someone to prove something? Maybe run from an unenviable past? Or - to a wonderful dream?

In the denominator there will be a set of professions and cases - which include both the right and left part. After all, to engage only what you already know how - it means not to grow. Do not grow - rest in the ceiling.

Another useful reception - on the sphere of activity - 500 books. Imagine in which area you are ready to read so much. You can not know anything about it. The main thing is interest. Just imagine, I do not offer to bring almost 500 kilograms to my library right now.

Next - and how much are you ready to do this profession? And if difficulties? Where do you want to be in a year? And after 5 years? What is the top task of your business?

Life is right questions. It is most important. We do not get answers, do not start looking for them.

Well, it is worth finding your "why" - as in the world there is no longer impossible, there is no "no coming muse", "laziness" and "non-money weather."

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