Sergey Gubanov: "If you like the fragrance, then on your loved one, he will open perfectly"


"Yes, there are definitely male and unequivocally female perfume. For example, there are so-called fuys smells (from fr. "Fougre" - "fern"). In fact, a mandatory component of such flavors is not a fern at all, which does not smell at all, but other vegetable ingredients - lavender, which has a peaceful and soothing effect, bergamot, having a citrus invigorating aroma; Kumarin is a substance obtained from beans thin, resembling the smell of freshly acted herbs. It was assumed that the fuys aromas would be exclusively female, but in production it turned out that these flavors interrupted absolutely everything. That is why now such a composition is most often used in male perfumery, because the difference between male and female aromas in the prevailing notes.

Also female flavors differ from the male basic ingredients. For example, practice shows that women prefer a rose, and men are iris.

Of course, there are universal flavors. Orange, grapefruit, lemon, mint - all this is suitable for both men and women.

How to choose right?

First you need to determine how the skin smells like that as a gift you decide to choose perfume. To do this, it is necessary to lake the skin with baby soaps that do not contain fragrances, then rinse with water and blot with a towel. Then you can sniff - this is exactly the natural smell of the skin. It is very important, because the smell of a person in combination with perfume and gives that unique magic train, which so much like people. It is because of the individuality of the natural smell of each person, on different people, the same perfume "reveals" in different ways.

In the store, listen perfume with a blot - a special paper strip-tester. Take the perfume to the blotter, give the aroma to "ventilate", and for an hour inhale, feel and watching how it is revealed and evaporates.

I advise you to test no more than five fragrances at once, and the nose is clogged, and you are already much worse than distinguishing odors. You need to do at least an hour of the break. Usually I apply to the perfume on the wrist, rubbing another wrist and go with this smell a couple of hours. If after this time I still cease to feel the fragrance, then it is exactly mine!

In any case, if you like the fragrance, then on your loved one, he will open perfectly.

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