Take teeth to total control


In the world, so many techniques and teeth care and the oral cavity are invented, which is already difficult to understand that from this is a necessity, and without which it is quite possible to do. After all, as you know, the best is a good enemy. And, if the day and night brush teeth whitening paste, use kilometers of dental filament and liter of elixirs for freshness of the mouth, then you can stay without teeth. But what is really necessary in order for the teeth and the oral cavity in order, and their "master" had a blinding smile, we learned from the famous doctor's dentist, aesthetist Gleb Pekley.

1. First you need to teach yourself to the idea that the teeth require constant care. A visit to a dentist's doctor with the next problem is not considered a permanent departure. It is a "bad tone" and a bad habit, which in the end will lead to great, and therefore costly problems.

2. Find a "my doctor" to be trusted. This is important at all stages of care and treatment. Unconditionally follow the doctor's advice and follow the treatment plan and prevention.

3. If the doctor said that professional teeth hygiene needed, it means it is necessary. This does not indicate that the doctor "breeds" you for additional costs. This means that the raid on your teeth will not allow him to qualitatively fulfill other procedures - treatment, whitening and so on. Toothstone and "bacterial compote", from which the dental flare consists, can spoil the work of the most ingenious dentist, who could not convince you of the need for professional cleaning of teeth. Therefore, paragraph number 2 (see above), I consider it more important than clause number 3.

4. If suddenly your doctor after professional hygiene, treatment or bleach forgot you remind you what houses are hygiene, remind him to recall this. Do you need a tooth thread? Irrigator? Special toothpastes and rinses? It depends on many factors, including the density density of teeth, and from the state of the gum. You yourself can hardly objectively appreciate all this. Only total control over the teeth is professional and with the help of home remedies - will give one hundred percent result: the teeth will be healthy, and their owner is well-groomed, respectable and happy. After all, a beautiful smile not only like others, but raises the mood and its owner.

5. Ask the Doctors to make a personalized professional hygiene schedule for you. Perhaps you will recommend professional cleaning every two, three, at six months - depending on the initial state of your teeth. Do not get away from this schedule, even if it seems to you that in the mouth in for once the ideal order. Let the dentist in the next your visit confirm this assumption. And I will give dry facts: Professional hygiene reduces the likelihood of caries and its complications by 80 percent. This is proven by the World Health Organization. Such a prophylactic result has no specializations in medicine.

6. Keep under the control of somatic diseases, follow the level of hormones. Endocrine malfunctions in the work of the body may disrupt the processes of the plug, that is, the salivation, as a result, the accelerated formation of the dental stones and, as a result, is the germination of the stone under the gum and the inevitable loss of the tooth.

7. Buy yourself a "right" toothbrush. With that rigidity that is suitable for your teeth and gums. Learn to keep it right. It is right - it's like a ballpoint handle, with the help of three fingers, not all five. So you will provide the right pressure that does not injure the gums and will not erase enamel, which can lead to the formation of a wedge-shaped defect. This is the so-called deckarial defeat of the tooth - a very unpleasant condition when the tooth gradually collapses, reacting to cold, hot, sour. The sensitivity of the teeth can be so high that it becomes impossible to clean them - the touch of the brush causes pain and discomfort.

8. Do not get drunk by home teeth whitening. Yes, it is fiscal. Yes, pleases the eye. But grieves his teeth. Whitening pastes do not exist. There are superabrasive tools, they work on the principle of very shallow emery paper. A raid is removed, which can contain a pigment, so the teeth are really whiten. At the first stage. And then removed, actually enamel itself. You can use such means more than once a week. Dream about snow-white teeth - stop the membership, contact professionals.

9. It is best to whiten your teeth before going to the sea or in the mountains. Due to certain waves of the solar spectrum, the effect of a professional procedure will be strengthened and prolonged. Thanks to the action of sunlight from dental enamel, the remaining pigment will take.

10. Stop already afraid of dentists! We are pleasant and positive people. It is almost impossible to cause pain with modern dental technology. Even for ultrasonic cleaning of teeth, it is invented a device in which there is a sensitivity sensor. He himself knows when to stay, so as not to hurt you. But remove the teeth is still unpleasant - this is a fact. Remember this.

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