What are useful fairy tales


Adults will rarely find for reading fairy tales, they cease to believe in them before in Santa Claus, and in vain, the expert Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui Jeanne Wei believes.

I do not urge you to start believing in fairy tales - stay realists and just remove practical benefits from them. It is possible and necessary to do, otherwise why were they composed?

Fairy tales are similar to biblical parables - they are deep, multifaceted, they are encrypted answers to very many actual and to this day questions. By the way, I think that the authors of fairy tales - people in something special, not everyone is given by this genre.

For example, we will analyze "on notes" "Cinderella" Charles Perro. The main character is a pretty and working girl, located under the "dense" oppression of three badly educated women. They terthum and trouble-free Cinderella in their endless orders. Tasks one of another church. She, as can, pleases them, but little succeeds in this matter, since there are no limits of their fantasy.

Understand who is good and bad here is easy - all positive and negative heroes in the fairy tales are "allocated in italics", it is not important for us now. The main thing in the fairy tale is her morality, for the very practical benefit, it needs to be found.

Step and evil sisters - the personification of tyrants that are found in any environment

Step and evil sisters - the personification of tyrants that are found in any environment

Photo: Frame from the cartoon "Cinderella"

Think, Cinderella characters are relevant only for the Charles Perro era? No matter how. They are only slightly embellished - there are few men and women who are short-lived now who are curse for their surroundings. Chiefs, neighbors, friends, girlfriends, parents, grandparents, husbands, wife - with the prefix "Tiran". Frequently failed to get rid of them, and you suffer their obvious nonsense. Cinderella is clearly demonstrated by his behavior, how to behave, hitting a similar situation.

So, we deal with morality. First principle of Cinderella - Stay true to your values, do not retreat from them, no matter how provoked you. Situations and people can be obvious and unconditionally absurd, but you need to resist. Cinderella, having received another portion of orders, diligently performs them, also sings. Take into service the first principle of Cinderella.

Go ahead, its second principle - To absolutely not judge your offenders. Having met Fej, she did not break out the curses: "What kind of family I have - the father is weakweight, the stepmother is angry and stupid, greedy and fat daughters." Not a word of complaints. She does not appreciate them. Believe me, it is really very difficult - not to judge. Try at least one for one to not give anyimate an assessment.

Having met Fairy, Cinderella never complained of his family

Having met Fairy, Cinderella never complained of his family

Photo: Frame from the cartoon "Cinderella"

Most of us come differently - a little, we inspire a label: "Bolon", "Griberian", "Fool", "Traitor" and so on. And this is already an assessment. It blocks the arrival of new opportunities in our life and - Attention! - Again and again invites Tiranans and Practiers to our life.

Very few people are able to live without evaluating. Notice, you can have a judgment, an opinion, but not evaluating - these are different things. I say so: "Cinderella is in a difficult situation" is a judgment. And if I say, "What is the injustice, why people are so evil and cruel, they undeservedly offend Cinderella" - this is already an assessment.

The next time you will be offended, hold on to the assessment of the people who oppress you. Tell me simply: "What only does not happen!".

Another Lifehak, who should learn from Cinderella - With all the external turbulence of her life, it does not lose sight of its goal (get to the ball), and does everything that is necessary for its implementation. Cinderella "at the exit" - the prince, you may have something else, everyone has different aspirations. Therefore, I matured, feel free to read fairy tales, reflect on them, and when you need advice, you may find it in them. And about how not to become a victim, read my article here.

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