How to become happy?


We all tend to perceive happiness as the pleasure of an instinctive center, although the satisfaction of the instinct is only the illusion of happiness, the shadow of happiness, and in this illusion, most people spend their entire lives, seeking pleasure and not finding satisfaction.

Great Hindu saying warns - a person is looking for pleasure, but finds pain. Pleasure, as a shadow of happiness, creates its illusion, but is not like that.

Alla Semenovna Spivakovskaya, Professor MSU

Alla Semenovna Spivakovskaya, Professor MSU

Press service materials

To become happy, you do not need to wait for happiness.

A man feels unhappy if it promises: "How long can I wait for me? How far is the goal? Why do I have to wait for so long? Why are others already achieved happiness? "

So, inspiring fruitless torments, we create a thousand and one problem for yourself and become more and more unhappy. The law is that the more unhappy we are in your expectation, the longer this expectation will last - because creativity, victory, joy, happiness can not happen in a unhappy mind.

Happiness is not always the fulfillment of cherished desire. Fear your desires, because it is not the path that will lead you to happiness.

When we think about the opportunity to be happy, it seems to us that the obstacle to happiness is an unfulfilled desire. But what kind of desire we are learning? How much understand the meaning and the consequences of what we wish for? Not knowing himself, a person may not want to make sure that truly might bring him an experience of happiness.

The desire of a person is part of his mind, part of his inner world, which is little known to himself, although a person is just absolutely sure about the opposite. And if a person would be fulfilled, it would not be excluded that he would have completely hammered from the way and would go far in his delusion, in his mistakes; The fulfillment of such a desire would not bring him happiness. A person would make sure of the "black hole" of ignorance, increasingly lost the opportunity to open the way to the source of inner light - self-consciousness. Everyone wants to be happy, but how can you get grace, bliss, happiness, if you do not know who you are, what?

Genesis is the main criterion of happiness.

A person becomes happy when establishes in his consciousness and behavior contact with Being, with his existent essence.

Neither the most equitable social structure, nor economic achievements, nor religious postulates, nor political slogans, nor science, nor art, nor education, neither the willing of the progressive majority, nor moral establishments, nor the interests of the family, nor friendship, no love by themselves Make a happy man.

Happiness is an effort to learn to live in harmony with you, the development of the ability to feel the beauty of the surrounding world. Happiness is when understanding yourself!

Only a person who is experiencing internal integrity can empathize, feel himself and the world around him can be happy. A man experiencing ecstasy from awareness of the thought that he lives cannot be unhappy. In order to be happy, he constantly supports a high level of self-consciousness and experience, knows how to feel the beauty of things in the natural, social and internal world.

It is impossible to gain happiness without conscious efforts to study and change the person and his life. In Beatotherapy, happiness is understood as the highest conscious pleasure, directly related to the experience of the joy of self-knowledge and self-realization, the joy of growth and renewal, with the celebration of human dignity, the triumph and victory of being in themselves.

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