"Counted by one chain": secrets of happiness of the strongest star couples


Life is not a fairy tale. Long and at the same time happily - big wisdom. Now and then you can hear how they will disintegrate, it would seem, the most durable pairs. But there are those who managed, despite all the peripetics, keep marriage. Among celebrities, which, as a whole, consider people rather windy, there was a lot of those who were devoted to their second half. We call only some heroes.

Nikita and Tatiana Mikhalkov

To be a wife of such a block-humanity, like Nikita Mikhalkov, almost forty-five years - this is a feat. The future Matcher of the Domestic Cinema showed his own behalf on the first date, when the Tanechka Solovyov's young mannequin led to the toilet to wash off her combat color. Subsequently, she had to abandon the career of the model at all, devoting himself to the family and the upbringing of three children: Anna, Artem and Nae. Despite different characters, spouses still manage to maintain heat and respect for each other. "The most important thing is to love! Nikita Sergeevich - an extraordinary personality. But it is necessary to understand the scale of his personality, be able to forgive both the very strong personality, "said Tatiana.

Will Smith and Jad Pinkett-Smith

Will Smith and Jad Pinkett-Smith

Photo: Instagram.com.

Will Smith and Jad Pinkett-Smith

Will did not immediately appreciate the dignity of Jada. They met in 1990 during filming, and got married only seven years later. But, as it turned out, these two are very well suited to each other. Jade supports her husband in all endeavors, but is also the most impartial criticism of his new works. They grow up two children - the son of Jaden and daughter Willow. There is a lot of woven around a couple - that they are supporters of free relationships, practice swing and in general on the verge of divorce. The charter of the speculation, Jada gave an interview in which he frankly told about his marriage: "The husband supported me in the most difficult moments of life. And this is not forgotten. Many other things you do not guess about, they can change ... But it remains unchanged: I firmly love it, and he is my best friend. We always have this feeling, and nothing can shake him. Nothing".

Dmitry and Elena Malikov

Dmitry and Elena Malikov

Lilia Charlovskaya

Dmitry and Elena Malikov

"We just live very long under the same roof. And over time I became so ... God. He wishes, he does not hear, and when something needs something - immediately applies to me. People who live together twenty-four years old, or truly together, either - are seen solely on a family walk with children in the park, "Elena Malikova spoke ironically in an interview. Nevertheless, this pair is called one of the strongest and harmonious in our show business. Dmitry believes Elena his muse, and their daughter Stefania grew up a real beauty and creative personality.

Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov

Among the younger generation, Dmitry Pevtsov can be called a sample of the faithful and loving man. For his wife Olga he refers with admiration for twenty five years. The history of this love began on the cinematic platform, when both were sampled for roles in the film "Walk by Eshafot". "Already after acquaintance with Olga, I realized: I miss this woman - I will take the most irreparable mistake," said singers. - I was big lucky, because Olga is the only one half. " For almost fifteen years, they were waiting for the birth of a child, and when they were already despair, a miracle happened. In 2007, in forty-two years, the actress became a mother. Their Son Elisha took the best features of both parents.

Ozzy and Sharon Osborne

And this extravagant couple turned out to be extremely solid. The Great and Horrible associated himself as marriage back in 1982. Sharon is a big fan of her husband's creativity and his fighting girlfriend. The pair of three children. But this family did not have a test. In May last year, the star couple announced its divorce. The reason for this was the treason of a 67-year-old rocker. It turned out that Ozzy started an incineration with a 45-year-old Michelle hairdresser. Having learned about the incident, Sharon, not thinking, exhibited from the house of the wrong husband. Although the children expressed the assumption that parents would still close. So it happened: the cooled, Sharon diligently changed his mind. The sincere repentance of her husband, and the advice of the psychotherapist - still thirty-three years of living together, they do not throw off.

Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov

Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov

Gennady Avramenko

Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov

They were only fourteen when the first love covered them as the heroes of the novel Shakespeare. Fortunately, Alexander's personal life and Catherine turned out to be much happier. They got married, barely waiting for the age of majority, and married the church, while holding their union and before God. Alexander believes that a smart man is subordinate to his wife. "The smell will always compensate for the absence of male qualities attempts to lead, will shout that he is the main one. Podkinnik - a man, honestly recognizing or having the power to admit that a woman who is next to him is the main thing that is in his life. " Probably, this is their secret of family happiness.

Sting and work

Cupid arrows once struck sting in the heart - and for life. "I will never forget our first meeting at the party. I drew attention to her very bright green eyes and a pale scar on the cheek, as a reminder of the attack of some kind of predatory beast ... Strange, but it didn't spoil her beauty, on the contrary, she seemed to me the wounded angel. We were destined to meet to heal each other, "he recalled the event romantically. Sweet-haired Englishman millions of fans worldwide, but he loves his wife. Soon they will celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the wedding. Work and sting are engaged not only by creativity, but also by public activities - issues of ecology and drug control. The singer believes that they are united by tantra, which they have long been passionate about.

Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Lupian

So who can put a monument as a custodian of a family hearth, so this is Larisa. In the handsome D'Artagnian, she fell in love, while still a student, and three years waited for his hands and hearts from him. And then courageously endured and romantic hobbies of a windy spouse, and his addiction to green Zmia. But now harmony reigns in the family. "I finally waited for the moment Misha changed for the better," says Larisa. - Love-hatred, which was before, passed into love-respect. I highled my happiness. In St. Petersburg, for some reason, they consider us a perfect pair, although we have never been such. " Their daughter Lisa also became the actress, the son of Mikhail - a businessman, and in the family already three grandchildren.

David and Victoria Beckham

David and Victoria Beckham

Photo: Instagram.com.

David and Victoria Beckham

For seventeen years of marriage Beckhams have become a kind of brand - an elegant exemplary-long family, four children. Idyllius broke the scandalous incident associated with the nanny, which reported to the world about intimate communication with the football player. However, nothing of the fatery did not happen: the deliberate was put out of the house, the world between the spouses was restored. But David and Victoria made their conclusions: noise around personal life attracts attention. Last year - just on the eve of the Fashion Week - rumors about the discretion in the star family began to reassign the press. As it turned out, it was only a PR-move from Beckham. Advertising and fashionable business is now the main source of family income. Even older children earn - Brooklyn and Romeo, which are gripping by designers. The state of the star couple is estimated at five hundred million pounds - Beckham is much richer than the British queen.

Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera

Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera

Gennady Avramenko

Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera

Philippe Yankovsky met the beauty Oksana Fander at the birthday of a friend and after a month she made her an offer. Although his father, People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky, was against such speaking solutions: in their family it is customary to make a choice once and for life. Nevertheless, young got married and happy together for twenty-six years. In the family two children: Son Ivan, who also became an actor, and daughter Lisa. Some time ago, the press was shuffled about the novel of Philip with Lena Pernov, but nevertheless the marriage managed to save. "I can love only one person, absolutely true, Montoganna," - confessed in an interview with Oksana. That's lucky Philip!

John Travolta and Kelly Preston

The actors met thirty years ago at the shooting of the comedy "Experts", where their official novel began, which ended with oaths at the altar. In fact, they had to prove their love not only in joy, but in grief. In 2009, trouble came to the family: the sixteen-year-old son of actors Jett was tragically died. At the young man there were attacks of epilepsy, during one he fell and broke his head about the edge of the bath. Only mutual support helped them in these terrible days. A few years later, a small bendjamine appeared in the family, which can be considered a real miracle. Indeed, according to the certification of doctors, it was categorically contraindicated to give birth to 47-year-old. However, everything went well, and now the baby is already going to school. Also, a couple have a sixteen-year-old daughter Ella.

Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kikanadze

Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kikanadze

Lilia Charlovskaya

Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kikanadze

Ivan Urganta, like the hero of Russian fairy tales, had to make a feat to conquer the heart of beauties. From a school bench, he was in love with Odnoklassnitsu Natalia Kikannadze and made her an offer to the graduation. Alas, the girl did not perceive the unlucky fan seriously. Soon she married a businessman, and Ivan went to Moscow - to conquer the expanses of show business. Here he twisted the novel with a colleague on the teleecurity of Tanya Gevorkian, and in the press began to write about the coming wedding, but ... In 2006, Ivan, already washed with the rays of glory, went to his native Petersburg visit his relatives. And, as usual in happy fairy tales, I met my first love Natalia, who was divorced by that time. The second time the girl did not miss his happiness. The result is a marriage and two children. And the fans of the charismatic TV presenter bite elbows, because Urgant claims that there is nothing more expensive for him.

Hugh Jackman and Deborra Li Farness

Hugh Jackman and Deborra Li Farness

Photo: Instagram.com.

Hugh Jackman and Deborra Li Farness

When the views of the Australian series "Corelli", the views of the 26-year-old debutant Hugh and already experienced 39-year-old Deborah met, no one expected that the intrigue will turn into such a solid marriage. Non-successors are often wondering: What did the star handsome in the old woman found? He himself says Deborra is his woman. It is thanks to her wisdom, a clock and support, he took place in the profession and in life. The most important problem of this pair was that they could not have any children. Neither the treatment of expensive doctors nor hormonal drugs nor Eco has helped anything. After two miscarriages in 2000, the spouses decided to adopt the boys of the Oscar, and five years later the baby Ava Eliot adopted.

Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov

Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov

Mikhail Kovalev

Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov

Among the Russian actors, this couple is rightfully considered "long-livers." They together for more than half a century: got married, being students of Vgika. And as many as seven years after the end of the university, the spouses were pregnant, looked without money, lived in different hostels. Their daughter Julia even slept in a large box from under the shoes: her young parents had no money on the crib. And when life finally settled and both actors began to actively shoot, the relationship was given a crack. They even decided to part, but after a while they realized that a friend without a friend could not. "I realized that love did not die, she was just tired. We reunited four years later. And this is a miracle, because they could have divorced and all their lives to be a friend without unhappy, "confessed faith.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

Soon the actors will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the wedding. The pair will grow up three children - the son of James and the twins of Marion and Tobita. A couple of years ago, rumors were reacted in the press in the family. Matthew began to look at young girls, which could not not upset his wife. Allegedly Sarah Jessica even began to think about divorce, but did not reach concrete actions. "We have our own problems, but this is life. Agree, it is boring to exist quite cloudlessly. So my position is simple: I choose a family, I like to be married to an excellent person who is almost always and in everything is support for me. "

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Photo: Instagram.com.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones

They were born on the same day - September 25 ... with a difference of twenty-five years. By the time of the meeting with Catherine Zeta-Johns, Michael Douglas was already a Hollywood star of the first magnitude, firmly married to Diandra Lucker. Charm of Catherine against twenty years of marriage - and the actor decided to divorce to make an offer to her beloved. The young actress favorably took and caleting, and dear gifts: evil tongues shuffled about her alleged mercenary motifs. However, further events showed that it is not. Ten years of cloudless happiness, two children ... And in 2010, Douglas had launched cancer in the last, fourth stage. Catherine turned out to be the most faithful and caring wife, which one can imagine. Her support helped the actor to recover. She was so worried that herself came to the clinic with a nervous disorder. This was the reason for the new crisis in the family: the actors decided to live separately. The official representative of the pair said they would "work on relationships." Apparently, this work went good - in October last year, Michael returned to the family mansion in New York and asked his wife to give them a second chance.

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