What to cook in the great post


On February 27, a great post began, which will last 6 weeks, and passionate, most strict, saddimians are still added to them. This year Easter falls on April 16th. And all this time before it will not eat meat and eggs, refuse dairy products. Fish and caviar to the Great Post is allowed to eat only in large holidays - it is an allege (April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 9). At Lazarev Saturday, which celebrated on April 8, you can eat caviar, but not fish. Womanhit found out that the stars are preparing during the Great Post.

Lean Soup with lentils from Ilana Yuryeva

Ingredients: By one, take eggplant, red and green sweet singer, bulb, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 can of tomatoes in its own juice, 200 g of red lentils, 1 tsp. Zira, liter of vegetable broth, spices in taste and greens for beauty.

Cooking: Cut vegetables with cubes, garlic to extort, eggplant separately put on a paper towel and give 30 minutes, after to slip water and dry. Heat the oven for 200 degrees. Put pepper, onions, garlic and eggplant with a baking sheet. Salt and pour the remaining oil. Bake for about 30 minutes to a golden crust. At this time, in the pan put tomatoes, lentils and a zipa crushed in a mortar. Add broth and bring to a boil. On a small fire, cook lentils about 30 minutes. Add to baked vegetables, decorate with greens and serve on the table.

Anetta Orlova

Anetta Orlova

Rice vermicelli with vegetables from annetta annet

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, one Bulgarian pepper. 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, teaspoon of lemon juice, 200 grams of vermicelli, salt.

Cooking: Carrot grate on a large grater, pepper cut into cubes. Preheat the frying pan, add butter, lay out vegetables and stew 2-3 minutes, after, salt slightly, add lemon juice and salt. To cover the lid and hold another 5 minutes on the minimum fire. Remove the lid and stew until all moisture evaporates. At this time, we prepare rice vermichel. We pour water into the pan, salt, add vermicells and cook after boiling for 5 minutes. Water we merge, we blow the paste with cold water, put it in vegetables, mix, and turn off the plate in a minute. Dish is ready.

Anna Peskov

Anna Peskov

Salad from germinated Masha from Anna Peskov

Ingredients (two servings) : A glass of germinated Masha (bob culture, grows mainly in India), 1 onions, green onions 50 grams, 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 2 tbsp. Spoons of sunflower and olive oil, salt, cardamom and pepper to taste.

Cooking: An apple is cleaning from the skin and core, rub on a coarse grater. Onions and cucumber are finely cut. Heat the frying pan, add sunflower oil and fry onion until golden color. Enjoy it, put in a bowl, add cucumbers, apple and Masha sprouts. Let's refuel olive oil and spices. Before serving, give a dish to brew about 15 minutes, so it will become even more juicy and tasty.

Dilbar Fayziev

Dilbar Fayziev

Lovely pilaf from Dilbar FairySiyev

I will share the recipe for vegetarian Uzbek Plov! It is best for its cooking a traditional cauldron. But if there is no cauldron, the other thick-walled dishes are suitable.

Ingredients: A glass of rice, 3 garlic heads, one large carrot, one bulb, a pod of acute pepper, coriander in grain × 1 h, zira 1 tsp, barberries dried 1 tsp, 50 ml of vegetable oil. Salt to taste.

Cooking: Clean and chop vegetables: onion by half rings, carrots are a large straw. Preheat cauldron on fire, pour oil, throw onions and good to help. We add carrots and fry for another 5 minutes. Add Coriander, Ziru and Barbaris.

We fill with 2 glasses of boiling water, salt and mix. We put the whole red pepper there. All cook half an hour. Rice should be thoroughly rinsed and put it on top neatly, without stirring all the contents of the cauldron. Noise to align the surface. To add some boiling water to the water level exceeds the rice level, about 1 centimeter.

We rinse garlic, remove only the top layer of husk and press in fig. Let's let 10 minutes to get on a big fire, close the lid, we reduce the fire and continue to cook on slow fire. Until the rice is ready. If you use the usual white rice, it will take about 15 minutes. And at the very end it will be possible to mix our pilaf!

Laura Reznikova

Laura Reznikova

Last cupcake in the mug from Laura Reznikova

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of coffee, 2 spoons of vegetable oil, as much sugar, three tablespoons of wheat flour, 1 \ 3 spoons of baking powder.

Cooking: Sift flour with a bundle. In the coffee dissolve sugar, add oil, at the request of raisins and vanillin, pour flour, mix thoroughly. It is important to break the flour lumps, otherwise the cupcakes will be dense dry areas on the place of these lumps. Consistency of the dough is thick sour cream. We pour into the mug, put in the microwave at the rate that at 700 watts be baked in 2-3 minutes.

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