Why do children need to sing lulled songs


That I sing to children

All the lullabies that I sing to my daughters came from my childhood. Most of them sang mom and grandmother when I was small. These are folk songs - I think the kids listen to them not one hundred years. It is difficult to say how accurately I will reproduce the melody, because these lullabies are transmitted from mouth to mouth, they are not recorded by notes. Of course, of course, we have at home "Sleep, my joy, soy" Isaac Dunaevsky and "sleep tired toys" from your favorite children's transfer.

How I picked up lulled

I did not choose some songs consciously, although I know that the text matters. There are lullabies for boys and for girls, and they cannot be confused. But in general, they are suitable for all children - especially those who are widely known and all on hearing.

It seems to me that the song is beautiful, calm and melodic. And in most lullabies, especially folk, words and so have pedagogical meaning - they tell about the advantages of the child, teach the right actions, create a sense of security and security. So there is no need to carefully search and choose - the lullaby will not teach bad!

From my own experience I can say that songs with a lot of repetitions have the best "lulling" effect. Such as "Drem", "Gules", "from the evening of a rain." On the one hand, they are pretty monotonous, and mom can be bored to sing them, but it is this monotony that relaxes the child.

Sophisticated and suitable copyright lullabies are very beautiful, but they distract the baby - they are better singing to laying in the bed to create a relaxed atmosphere. And immediately before bed, hesitate some simple melody with repeating words.

Anna Buturlin

Anna Buturlin

"Star" lullabies

Lullabies are still a special genre, they cause very warm feelings. In my repertoire, there is "Lullaby Svetlana" to the music of Tikhon Khrennikov - this is a very gentle and touching song, in which words and music are full of extraordinary love. I know that many artists (especially those who have become parents themselves) willingly include lullaby in their repertoire. For example, several such songs sang Alossu, and I am sure that many moms took them "for weapons" after its execution.

Moms, sing!

I encountered an interesting feature of modern parents - they are glad to include the children of the lullabies in the performance of various singers, but avoid singing themselves. Moms are complex, because they believe that they are not well singing. But the root is wrong! Mother's voice for a child is the most native and beloved, and it doesn't matter how she sings - the main thing that she does it with love! Put in a low voice or even whisper the words of the lullaby - it will bring you closer to the crumb of much stronger than any impeccable performance in the record. Do not let a false shame to deprive you of the most valuable moments of closeness with the child when your eyes look into the eyes, and hearts die from love.

Heat voices, melodic intonations, feeling of serenity from the fact that mom is near, - all this is more important than the vocal data. In addition, your goal is not to conquer the child with your talent, but to calm and give it to feel protected. And if it seems to you that the kid reacts poorly to the lullaby, do not hurry to attach his reaction to its execution. In children, even at an early age there is a taste and musical addiction - maybe he just did not like this song. So than the extensive of your repertoire, the easier it will be to choose a lullaby that loves the child.

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