Ivan Rudakov: "I radically changed my lifestyle"


Ivan Rudakov was born in the family of cinematographers. His father - Writer Alexey Rudakov, Mom - director Elena Nikolaeva. And one of his first noticeable roles (in the film "Pops") he played just at Mom. True, Ivan assures that he is generally against dynasty.

- Ivan, in your filmography - more than forty roles. What do you think are named?

- "Gypsy with exit", "Loving" do not repent. " These icon. And so - all the roles are loved. Especially when you have to play overcoming. For example, I had a role, not very big, but significant. I played a priest. The nineties. Humpback bridge. And there was a father Mikhail, a real chaplain. Before filming, I went to him, I called a week, followed him. He blessed me to the role. In the film I spend the baptism rite. It is considered if you are baptized, it does not matter if you have a san or not, you have to spend this rite for all the rules. It was goodness. Imagine, people approached and asked advice? Honestly he listened, answered. Has a priest.

- Now you are busy at once in four projects. Not hard?

- It is not simple. A huge amount of material to keep in the head. Sixteen episodes One story, twelve - the other. Somewhere I play in the twentieth century, somewhere in the present time. And there are images, absolutely not characteristic of you as a person. And you need to understand and justify the actions of the heroes. After all, love your character is necessarily. And it is that hard. I used to come to my senses for a long time. But I have a huge experience that helps to cope. Now I learned to prepare. No other way. Forces not enough.

Ivan Rudakov:

The series "Gypsy with exit" gave the actor a role that made it very popular. And on the set, Ivan got acquainted with Laura Keosayan. Soon the colleagues became husband and wife, and then the parents

- Reincarnate - is it talent?

- I would not say that. This is technique. After all, what is professionalism? In my opinion, this is a talent, multiplied by the skills, on your skills and experience. One talent, as they say, will not be fed.

- How do you train the memory to remember such a number of text?

- These are already such troubled things. In general, human memory is so arranged that it is the amount of information that you need. I have, for example, so: "throw up" in it two, three, four scenarios, over which you work now, leave the others for later. And somehow everything is remembered. Such a mini-computer in the head. Well, over time, techniques appear how to memorize more. I usually read the entire script before the shooting period, I understand my role, I advise himself with the director, if necessary. And immediately before entering the frame, I remember everything again.

- Do you have any taboo or, if an interesting script, are ready to go for all concessions?

- Well, what is the taboo? There are certain standards of our movie. And it is clear that I do not offer me anyway. Naturally, within a certain format, I am ready for everything. And I always try to make something new in the next project. It is interesting. It is important for me to grow. How does a person grow? Only when it comes out of the comfort zone. All that does not kill makes us stronger. And I try to exercise it not only in the acting profession, but also in ordinary life. For example, last year participated in the realistic show "My fight" - a few months of intense training with a professional trainer and the fight against the ring. Such things make you mobilize.

Ivan Rudakov:

For the sake of the realistic show "My fight", the actor mastered the martial arts and even won in a fight with a professional fighter.

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Why did you decide to do mixed martial arts?

- I have long communicated with the coach Alexey Popov. And then I had problems with health - after the premiere of one play, I got into the hospital. And the doctors were forbidden to raise the weight of more than five kilograms, well, and in general to play sports - forever. I buried a couple of months, then I went to shoot in St. Petersburg. And here at some point Mentaluned: spat on all the prescriptions of the doctors and ran. After filming, first for three minutes, then five, ten. And it really became easier - contrary to any logic and verifice of doctors. Then I went to fitness, swimming. Next started the piece of iron - somewhere in a year pushing the ninety kilo from the chest. And somehow I painted the idea to make such a show. I called Leshe: "And what if you try?" As a result, for six months came out from scratch to professional ring. And, by the way, when then came to doctors, I have not found anything. And they themselves could not even explain this phenomenon. Then they even once again examined and said that such in principle is impossible. And the show was excellent: I fought with a professional fighter and won.

- What else are you fond of sports?

- Since I drastically changed my lifestyle (I do not drink the last four years and I do sports), I and interests are now others. To save somewhere wishes no longer arises. I understand that most of all I catch a buzz from those challenges to yourself I spoke about.

Ivan Rudakov with daughter seraphic

Ivan Rudakov with daughter seraphic

Photo: Instagram.com.

- How do you like to relax?

- Last year dulls in the Caribbean. For all pirate islands rolled. In the winter, Madagascar visited, from there went on a yacht. Again, the main thing in the journey so that it was with the adventures.

- Your former spouse - Laura Keosayan, in this marriage was born daughter of Seraphim. Is it often possible to meet with the heir? And how do the relationship add up with her mom?

- I am Sunday Dad. Relationship is wonderful. With Laura we are friends. All right. Yes, and the daughter unites. She is like a rod. I love her insanely. She is very similar to me. Friends say it is "Little Vanya." She already teaches me something - not what he says, but by his behavior. We have favorite places, favorite entertainment. We walk, often go on the clade she loves. Seraphim loves to learn and does it herself. For example, studies languages. Already in the year I took the tablet. I did not know how to talk yet, and already in this gadget Shaarily. And began to look at English cartoons, some educational programs. We then argued with Laura, which language it would speak, in Armenian or Russian. As a result, the first word she said in English. Looking at my car, said: "Big Black". And now the very poems themselves learn. Gave her a book Marshak, now calls me, tells by heart.

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