Dominic Joker: "I'm not a strict father, you can twist the ropes"


- Dominic, now the last month of summer. How do you spend it? What are you doing?

- For me there is no concept of summer, winter, spring or autumn. Only weather conditions change, which I certainly felt. For the past few years, I live between cities, airports, studio and filming. When a little free time appears, I try to spend it at home, because I miss the family madly. Traditionally, the last month of summer for me is a "children's new wave" in the Crimea, where I lead the competition. Sometimes in the interruptions between the shooting of competitive days and rehearsals, I appear a couple of hours to walk to the sea and experience the taste of summer. Of course, you cannot be about full rest and speech. But I do not complain. If you are invited to concerts, then you are interested in people, you want to see and hear, it is important for any artist.

- What are you working on now?

- Now almost all the time busy at the studio, I work on my second solo album, which I plan to imagine a listener. So many new musical material accumulated, I want to present the audience a new creativity of a completely different Dominic Joker, not like that I was used to perceive the public. In addition, plans to record several joint tracks with Western artists in the near future. One of them is Joel Edwards, the soloist of the "DeePest Blue" group, has already sent me a preliminary demo record. To date, there are a number of options for recording English-speaking singles, and, more importantly, different European companies are already interested in these works. And in general, there are a lot of plans. For example, creating a feature film, a large solo concert, dedicated to the exit of the album.

Dominic Joker and Nastya Kochetkov.

Dominic Joker and Nastya Kochetkov.

Lilia Charlovskaya

- Fans are actively discussing the fact that you suddenly lost weight. Why suddenly such changes?

- Probably, the stars got up. I really wanted to lose weight. People periodically change their appearance, image. Since I am deprived of the opportunity to change the hairstyle, so it remains only to change the body. I started my diet in compliance with a strict post, which I stood from the beginning to the end. After decided to continue adhere to light food and an active lifestyle. At the same time, I eaten and after six in the evening, although many said that such a diet would not bring a special effect. The main rule that I observed - did not eat 4 hours before sleep. Since my touring and working schedule goes beyond the regime of the life of an ordinary person, then I have an extreme border for eating - 9-10 pm. Mainly my diet consisted of fresh vegetables, or grilled vegetables, boiled meat and boiled fish. From drinks - green tea or mineral water. I'm already scan from oily, calorie food. Sometimes, of course, I can afford something forbidden. I advise all readers, especially those who actively lose weight and leads their own body in order: a diet should be in your life for six days a week and one day should be a day of disobedience. This is necessary in order not to come a psychological breakdown, and you did not start every in a row.

- You look, by the way, you are still pretty brutal, despite the changes. Doing sports?

- Unfortunately, sport is very little in my life. I think that my intense dance movements at concerts in many ways replace the sport. In addition, ten minutes of living singing replaces from 3 to 6 km jogging on the treadmill. And on my concerts only live sound. Of course, I try at least 5-10 minutes a day to charge on Stepper, who gave me friends. At all times of the year, except for the winter, I replace full sports swimming. In general, if we talk about my hobbies, then I have been collecting a collection of shoes, cap and clock for several years. Sometimes I lay off my collection, I look at it for a long time, I remember with what elements of the collection are related stories and cases from life.

- You are also known as a musical producer. How did you decide on this very difficult job?

- This story began with the time of the group "2 × 2", in which my first steps began in the role of producer: I tried to make some arrangements, wrote the lyrics of songs. A certain experience was gradually accumulated, which then resulted in the first serious production work with Oleg Gazmanov over his album "Clear Days". After there was a group of VIP77, which came out and successfully continued their creative path Nastya Kochetkov, Timati, Dino Mc, and I, in fact. In the "gang" and at the "Star Factory", the role of producer also performed, there was no other options, someone had to do it. (Laughs.) After leaving the "Star Factory", I did a few more, as it turned out, top work for my friends: for Vlad Topalov, cream group and others. Now, if everything goes well, we have, with my wards "Angels of Siberia" from the television project "Battle of Chorus", ambitious plans to create a theater show. We even jokingly called fresh wind from the Altai Mountains in the Russian show business. And they are no doubt, and at the moment are a wonderful material for work.

Dominic Joker:

Now the wards of Dominic Joker is the team of "Angels Siberia" from the television project "Battle of Chorov". Photo:

"You will lead the" children's new wave. " Do not work hard with children?

- Everyone knows that I really like to mess around with children, create some musical numbers for them, setting. Naturally, children feel, they are responsible. At first, I was not only the lead, but also, so to speak, hired by the educator. (Laughs.) We have always arrived earlier for several days, helped the leading formulation in all administrative, rehearsal moments. In addition, with my degree children for five years that I lead this contest, there was a complete contact. Now we practically do not need a script, we can lead the competition yourself, sometimes even without relying on the written jokes, because you feel beautifully feeling each other.

- If you are such a good educator, I would like to know how the upbringing of your own children is?

- I am not a strict father, you can have ropes from me. I bring up children by human criteria that I myself consider the right moral norms. And the future, I hope they will choose themselves. I will tell them, but I will never force children to go on my footsteps or a larger tracks. In my opinion, if you carefully communicate with the children, listen to them, try to understand, they will always tell what they want in life. If suddenly they choose a musical or acting profession, I am definitely supported by their choice.

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