Wedding photos: 10 important tips, how to look on them stunning


The wedding album is the rare thing that is not dominated by progress. Agree, it is strange to pass into the inheritance grandchildren a soulless flash drive with photos. The album should be real - sweaty, in the leather binding, with a special smell, and the photos themselves are such that grandchildren understand: "Their grandmother - stunning beauty."

How successful is your album, largely depends on the photographer itself. Neither the transient price of the dress nor a fashionable hairstyle will save the shooting if the bride looks unnatural. And in order to feel comfortable, you need to meet a photographer in advance. If possible, you can even conduct pre-wedding shooting - with makeup and hairstyle. If there is no such possibility, then read and remember important rules.

1. Try not to overdo it in visiting beauty salons. On the eve of the wedding. There are cases when the bride for some reason before the celebration made facial cleaning. Of course, redness on the skin was inevitable.

2. Lover of chocolate tanning should also keep their zeal. Even if the tan of you to face, in group pictures you will contrast the surrounding.

Choose successful angles in advance

Choose successful angles in advance


3. What should not save, so it's on makeup. After all, it is with his help that you can hide the shortcomings and focus on virtues. We would advise you to use the services of professional makeup artist.

4. Facely complete brides can avoid unsuccessful angles If the insertion is inserted to the chamber. You can also take a picture by filed a little forward. And in no case do not choose a dress with an open neckline: it will make you even more.

5. If you have a short neck, then the "top" is contraindicated. But it is how it is impossible to hide the second chin, if there is one.

6. Girls with insufficiently "prescribed" waist and hips It is better not to become right on two legs. It is better to flush one leg on the sock.

7. To shoot, choose a place with natural light and shadow. Then the complexion of photographs will be more natural, and the features of the face are soft.

To shoot, choose a place with natural light and shadow

To shoot, choose a place with natural light and shadow


8. If the difference in growth with the bridegroom is not in his favor , but to portray the English aristocrat in the cylinder is not in his taste, choose suitable postures: the bride can get up a little behind the groom or slightly learn on it.

9. Invite your photographer to my home : First, in the home atmosphere, interesting photos are obtained, secondly, it is necessary to remove the groom at that moment when he first saw the bride in the dress: a picture promises to be very emotional.

10. Do not refuse immediately from a little lubricated photos. As a result, they are obtained dynamic and more alive.

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