Star experience: how to defend your rights?


There is an opinion that pensioners or alcoholics are most often in transactions with apartments. However, as it turned out, in fact everything looks very different. About thirty percent of the total number of victims - representatives of creative professions. That to some extent is quite explained. After all, they constantly hide somewhere in the clouds, they are not accustomed to rechecking documents and in childish they are sincerely believe that their folk pets are definitely not deceived.

Some unclean dealers on the hand, on the contrary, hunt for celebrities. They say, they have enough money, and bother by the courts and the proceedings are usually negotiated. For example, Elena Kondubilan at one time fell into a very unpleasant situation. Several years ago in the elite village of Toksovo, which is not far from St. Petersburg, burned the house owned by actress. Of course, she was upset, but for some time did not take anything - it was not before that. And when, finally, I decided to at least sell the land, it found that it does not have documents for this site - they burned down in a fire, and no copies have survived. However, after some time, she was surprised to find out that a certain real estate agency had long exhibited her site for sale. Unfortunately, when Kondubilan became known all these details, nothing could be done ...

In case of fire, Elena Kondubilan lost not only at home, but also documents for the land plot.

In case of fire, Elena Kondubilan lost not only at home, but also documents for the land plot.

Shortly before his death suffered from unscrupulous realtors Actress Anna Samokhin. Anna Vlaslenovna took a mortgage loan, bought luxury accommodation near St. Petersburg, in Strelna. However, the Townhouse's delivery was constantly delayed. And when the actress filed to court, it became clear: this is a soap bubble. She did not wait back their money back ...

The keys to the apartment in the New House Leonid Agutin solemnly presented his wife Angelica Varum on New Year's Eve. But the house was never charged.

The keys to the apartment in the New House Leonid Agutin solemnly presented his wife Angelica Varum on New Year's Eve. But the house was never charged.

Lilia Charlovskaya

And Leonid Agutin simply refused the right of ownership of the apartment, the keys in which he solemnly handed over a few years ago on New Year's Eve his wife Angelica Varum. New apartments with a total area of ​​one hundred and fifty square meters were located on the last floor of an elite new building. Time went, the spouses were paid even to the rent, but could not smooth apartments. It was then that it turned out that the documents on housing were not fulfilled to the end - that is, there was only a preliminary contract for sale, and not the main one. Spouses, of course, immediately sued the company to the developer, but did not achieve anything. In addition, the house after passing into operation was not registered in Rosreestre. Output one: wait until the situation is resolved. By the way, in a similar position, not only Agutin with Varum were. About the same litigation a couple of years ago, a goalkeeper Igor Akinfeyev was conducted with a developer. And he also offered one thing: wait and hope for the best.

Singer and composer Arkady Ukupnik collided with dishonest developers already in Turkey: because of the conflict of the latter with realtors, the court issued a decree that tenants cannot talk to the house, even if they had a complete set of all the necessary documents on their hands (like an ukupenka). And here is Arkady, like all the other, waiting for the permission of this dispute in the hope of returning at least invested money.

Fight club

There are among our celebrities and those who could - albeit by incredible efforts - to get out the winner in the difficult struggle for their rights. For several years, the whole country, hopping his breath, watched the loud battles who led Lolita with its HOA (partnership of owners of housing). The singer was not agreed with the sums that she was sent monthly to pay for her housing - they seemed to her exorbitantly high. In addition, she was not personally a member of this very HOA, so sincerely believed: the receipts come clearly not to the address. Therefore, all these pieces with numbers she just ignored.

The struggle of Lolita with HOA can rightly be called epic: the singer not only threatened with a violence, but also set fire to the office. It came even to the hands-positive.

The struggle of Lolita with HOA can rightly be called epic: the singer not only threatened with a violence, but also set fire to the office. It came even to the hands-positive.

Lilia Charlovskaya

As a result, an astronomical account on three hundred with more than thousand rubles was put in one at all. That's then Lolita and rushed into battle. Fought for a long time and, as it seemed to initially, unsuccessfully. That is, it seemed from the side that the truth is just on the side of the singer, however, looking after, it was possible to understand: everything is not so. For example, the first trial of Lolita won perfectly. However, as soon as the meetings ended, it began to receive receipts on the payment of all services not for seventeen thousand rubles, as it was before, but at once sixty-eight.

And the judicial claims and meetings began again, in which Lolita again came out the winner. But he could even at the very beginning of his relationship with HOA spit on everything, lay out the desired amount and forget about this nerve. But the singer believes that if we all in such situations are desperate to fight for their rights, then in the end we will stop and deceive.

After all, even before President Putin, he reached him, writing him a heartfelt letter: "It has long been necessary to pay attention to theft, bribery and fraud, which today flourishes in most part HOA. I assure you that this is not only my problem, but also the problem of the whole country (...) A very large number of people are at the moment, like me, in a state of disassembly with the heads of housing farms. They attract people, extort money, exposing lime accounts! They in every way impede normal life. "

And Lolita even received an answer from the president - by email. The letter it was said that all her comments were shipped to the Ministry of Regional Development for the inspection. But even before this message, she managed - on his own, with the help of his lawyers - to win as many as six (!) Ships. Although it was very difficult. According to the singer, she was just threatened, and set fire to the office, and they even tried to solve the case of the hands-intensity.

But she came out of this long fight the winner. And for many victims from HOA, I turned into a certain guide star. Lolita began to handle similar problems, and the singer in response is generously divided by the contacts of his lawyer, who for two years of the struggle accurately learned what laws in this area are valid, and on which, on the contrary, it is better to forget.

Nadezhda Babkin and Boris Moiseev were very pleased when they purchased housing on the coast of Bulgaria. They could not assume that their neighbors were real pigs.

Nadezhda Babkin and Boris Moiseev were very pleased when they purchased housing on the coast of Bulgaria. They could not assume that their neighbors were real pigs.

Lilia Charlovskaya

By the way, Lolita real estate problems are not only in Russia, but also abroad. A few years ago, she acquired - for the company with Philip Kirkorov, Boris Moiseev, the hope of Babkina, Mikhail Boyarsky - Apartments in Bulgaria. I decided that there her daughter during the summer vacation will be very comfortable: the sea, the sun, tasty food and excellent ecology. And with the last one, the point was not enough. Not far from the residential complex (luxury class, by the way), the Bulgarians somehow decided to open the real pig farm. Smells from there were extended by no very pleasant as you understand.

And many of the tenants are the mother of TV presenter Kudryavtseva, the son of Hope Babkina and even (oh God!) Philip Kirkorov himself - so they began to suspect that in their absence, apartments surrendered to third parties. It is impossible to prove the facts now, but much indicated exactly the fact that in the absence of owners in the apartment someone lived: not the first freshness products, suddenly climbed in the refrigerator, or the remains of cosmetics in the bedroom.

But when the entire stellar company decided to deal with the TSZH, they are in response ... trite threatened. "They told us that if we would download law, a couple of bad guys would lead to us! - remembered later Lolita. - Imagine, they suffered from gangsters! "

But there, the singer could win everyone - well, as far as it turned out. After long-term negotiations with Russian celebrities, the owners of the complex decided to shame the territory and change the management company to another, more honest and decent. So, as a result, the parties tried to pretend that there were no more complaints about each other.

A thief should sit in jail!

Actor Andrei Sokolov also was able to get out the winner in the fight against his own utility housing and communal services. Although his case was more complicated than Lolita. It all started in the spring of 2012, when the apartment of the star "Little Faith" film was punishable. The thief (a criminal, as it turned out, acted alone) made six million rubles stored in a safe, as well as a mink coat, antiques and expensive jewelry - all the damage was estimated at about twelve million "wooden".

The actor rightly counted: since he pays a pretty decent amount for the protection of the house every month, so let him return money for the values ​​he lost. In his application to the court of Sokolov pointed out with what ease the thief was able to commit a robbery. At first, the criminal was at the entrance without any special problems, then calmly opened the door in the apartment with a launder and went there several times (!) To grab more things.

Thanks to the testimony of the thief, which is easily penetrated into the apartment of Andrei Sokolov, the court satisfied the actor's claim to the management company.

Thanks to the testimony of the thief, which is easily penetrated into the apartment of Andrei Sokolov, the court satisfied the actor's claim to the management company.

Lilia Charlovskaya

As a result, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, even in part, but satisfied Sokolov's lawsuage to the management company. Compensation of moral damage was ten thousand rubles, although initially the actor demanded three million rubles (among stolen things, as Sokolov assures, there were very expensive gifts to him). But the material damage of the management company was indicated fully - a total of just twelve million rubles. Lawyers assure that such a case in court practice happened for the first time - and the point is not the fame of the plaintiff, but in the literacy of his lawyers who were able to correctly compile all the claims.

The thief was detained. It was not the only convicted term of the interregional ethnic HGG. The criminal was sentenced to six years in prison. By the way, it is thanks to the testimony of this conversational man Sokolov and managed to win the court. The thief told that he got into the entrance without difficulty (and not more than once), and then she opened the Safe "Bulgarian" for a long time. So all the excuses of the management company that, they say, they only respond for the common property, and the alarm and the protection of the apartment are not in their competence, they did not have an impact on the court, which took the actor's side.

So such examples argue: if you managed to unjust, you should not wait for mercies from officials. You need to take things into your hands. And even if the case is represented by an absolutely losing, it is worth fighting! After all, according to real estate lawyers, recently, more and more often the courts began to make decisions in favor of residents. It seems not least and thanks to our celebrities. So even if you do not listen to their songs and do not watch movies with their participation, thank at least for the fact that they could change the situation in the country to their star head.

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