In search of recognition: what will tell your profile in social networks


We spend about one third of a day in social networks, many virtual communication practically completely replaces the real, which can be a real problem.

The social networks became so tight in our life, which for psychologists does not constitute a large problem on the person's account to make an exemplary psychological portrait. We decided to figure out how our virtual content gives our complexes, fears and that in principle talks about the personality of man.

Filters for photos will give your mood

Filters for photos will give your mood


Filter in the photo will tell about your condition

Psychologists have studied photos of more than thirty thousand users "Instagram", paying the most attention to the color correction. As the experiment shows, family people, even if they hide the soul mate, more often lay out bright photos, as well as love bright colors. In addition, the use of saturated filters speaks of an extroversion. People prone to depression more often use dark or blue shades when processing a photo.

And what will the content tell about us?

Users filling their tape photos with food pushing themselves to stand on the path of proper nutrition: the more the person is interested in dishes, recipes, the more he learns about building a diet, which is quite often forces people to reconsider their lifestyle, so even if you are annoying permanent Salads in the ribbon of friends, think, maybe it's just good - you can learn a useful recipe that you yourself would not look for.

If a person constantly lays out a photo with his second half, there is a high probability that in this relationship is not all right. In addition, a description of the photo in Style: "My man" speaks of a man's desire to control everything, including a person next to him.

And further…

Contrary to generally accepted opinion, Self is not always a sign of necrossicism. Psychologists divided lovers of "self" into several groups:

social networks occupy most of our time

social networks occupy most of our time


"I want to talk"

People from this group laid out their own photos in order to involve their audience in the discussion, it does not matter if subscribers will appreciate the photo, the main thing, to launch an active discussion in the comments, and for these purposes a clinging Self is what is needed.

"I want to leave to leave a photo for memory"

Another category of users is laying out of her loved ones to leave your own photo in the ribbon, in order to return to it after a while, for example, in a year to do, so-called Challenge in style "then - now", which is a good way to raise activity His page in connection with the involvement of a large number of commentators.

"I want everyone to know which I am interesting"

Many people do not always have enough attention in real life, and recognition and praise - something, without which majority is poorly posing their lives. When the environment is in no hurry to sink a person with compliments, he goes to the network to look for recognition from completely unfamiliar people.

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