Immortal Classic: Choose the perfect red lipstick


Immortal classic in make-up. However, to look amazing, you need to know exactly what shade suits you, at what time of day you are going to wear lipstick and with what clothes are you combining. In addition, an important point is to apply lipstick - for the perfect circuit you will need additional tools.

We will tell about the intricacies that need to be considered when choosing red lipstick.

Choose your tint

Choose your tint


Choose tint

We will pay in advance - the red lipstick will suit any woman, just need to not guess with a shade. To do this, you must define your color card, at least approximately. For a start, find out your subtock - warm or cold. There are several techniques that will help determine our subton: you can alternately bring white and yellow metals to the face, noting which one looks better, or resort to the second way - look at your wrists in the daylight. If the boulders are blue, your skin shade is with a high probability of cold, and if the veins are greenish - your shade is warm.

Pay attention to the hair

Hair shade also plays a big role in the selection of perfect red. In the case of hair, we are talking about the hair shade and the intensity of the contrast of hair, skin and eyes. If the contrast is small, do not use too dark shades of red lipstick, as well as too "acid".

Day or evening outlet

Depending on the situation, it is worth paying attention to the finish of lipstick. Matte lipstick is great for day events, as it looks more restrained. For evening outlets, boldly use glossy and cream options. With a scarlet accent on the lips you will not be unnoticed.

scarlet color emphasizes all flaws

scarlet color emphasizes all flaws


Moments to pay attention to

Making a choice in favor of red lipstick, remember:

- If there is a red lipstick in make-up, in no case do not focus on the eyes. Gusto his eyes "in the company" with almy lips makes the image of cheap and tasteless, no matter how professional makeup was not.

- Scarlet shades require perfect skin. Deep wrinkles, ptosis and especially redness will become more noticeable several times. If the thrust for red lipstick is too large, do the skin preparation - best of all at the beautician, since it is quite difficult to overlap serious problems with makeup.

- The imperfect dental row will attract even more attention if you apply a bright shade.

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