Put on the feet


Usually during the cold season we pay close attention to the skin of the face and hands. But our feet need protection. Imagine how it is not easy: it's cold on the street, warm in the room. If we can still throw up the upper clothes, then it is unrealless in public transport or in the store. Therefore, our heels become dry, and sometimes even covered by cracks. But soon - the summer season, to which it is necessary to prepare. Urgently call for help the best beauty products!

Cream-oil for feet Polyvitamin Aevit from Compliment

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This tool is created specifically for dry heels. The connection of vitamins A, E, T softens the flapped sections of the epidermis, regenerates, strengthens the vascular walls, soothes, nourishes and intensively restores the skin. Well, if, after a tightening winter, fine cracks or scratches appeared in the footsteps, then Vitamins B2 and B5 in the cream contributes to their enhanced healing and protect against infection.

Aloe Vera Oil from Huilargangangan

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Aloe Vera since ancient times appreciated for its bactericidal and regenerating properties. For dry skin, you can use both aloe vera oil in pure form, and add a bit of healing oil into your usual care agent - for example, into a moisturizing cream or in combination with essential oils. The result in any case will be awesome!

Foot oil "Well-groomed legs" from the brand "Beauty Triumph"

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For the legs, too, you can make masks. The algorithm is simple: we appline the oil for the night for the entire foot, wear cotton socks and go to bed. While you relax, oil feeds and moisturizes the skin of the legs, cares for the nail plate on the legs, softens the skin of the stop and relaxes the legs, and also deodorishes the legs of the leg. The result is visible in the morning, after the first application.

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