I remember everything: 4 receptions not to forget anything


Today we are dealing with an incredible stream of information, keep important facts in your head, dates, names and other things is becoming more complicated. You probably faced the fact that the phone had just kept in our hands, and now you can't find it - your brain does not cope with a huge amount of data you want to sort. We decided to help you improve memory, you just need to follow our advice.

Try to constantly repeat the necessary information

Repetition is the mother of the teaching. We hear about it from school, and this wisdom really works. Psychologists advise, if possible, repeat what you want to better remember, for example, you met a new colleague, but here Ee forgot his name. If you know this feature, during the conversation, repeat his name several times, so your brain will begin to associate a word with this person. You can do the same with dates, names, and in general, with any information that has great importance for you.

Fit right

As many know, one of the best products for maintaining brain activity in Tonus - Fish. The whole thing in the content of omega-3 fatty acids, which are difficult to get from other products. People who use seafood at least several times a week, practically do not suffer from memory disorders. If you are not a big fantastic dishes, add to the diet of blueberries, nuts and fresh vegetables that do not overload the body to toxins.

Do not at the same time several cases

If you believe the research of psychologists, a person is required at least 9 seconds to remember information. However, the conditions of the modern world require from us the skills to work in multitask mode, as a result, we cannot fulfill a good thing, in each of which they miss any important item. Try to highlight three important things on the day, according to experts, our brain is able to perfectly cope with three tasks during the day, all other important things will dispense this way throughout the week.

Wash out

There is no more unbearable and scattered person than the unsuccessful. During sleep, the brain continues to work, laying out the information obtained in the day, "on the shelves". In addition, healthy sleep is an excellent prevention of early aging.

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