Alla Sigalova: "In the posture I can immediately determine than a person sick"


- Alla Mikhailovna, two years you have led the project with Svyatoslav Ball, and from this season in the "big opera" you will have a new co-host. What do you think in which direction the project will change?

- This season, the Culture Channel has tried to attract representatives of the best opera schools in the world to the competition. The selection was still stricter, the plank is raised even higher, the tasks for the contestants will become even more difficult. And, of course, the project will not be the same without Svyatoslav Igorevich. His charm, wit and wonderful musical taste set a common tone of the project. With the arrival in the "big opera" Alexey Begaka, this tone will change naturally. The distribution of roles among the leaders will change. Alexey without the shade of coquetry admits that he only has to discover the world of the opera, and I will need to help him. As you can see, there will be many changes a lot and surprises.

- Before that, you led the "big ballet" as a choreographer, and here - the competition of vocalists ...

- I have been working at the Opera House for many years, so with the opera I have long-standing professional relationships and now they will continue. We have big plans with Alvidas Hermanis, head of the new Riga Theater, ahead of the performances that we have to put on European scenes. I just returned from Riga, where I put the Jazz play "Hanuma" to the music of Gia Kancheli. In Moscow, in the new opera, I start to put the play "Nutcracker" - a completely miracle came to me the idea of ​​shifting ballet music to the opera and make a children's opera based on my favorite ballet, in which I took part from 9 years. The wonderful poet of Demyan Kudryavtsev, who wrote a stunning text, Pasha Taplevich painted stunning sketches to the costumes, the director of Kolya Simonov, with which it is always very interesting to work, makes scenery to this spectral. So ahead is a lot of work, connected with the Opera in the theater, and with a "big opera" on television. Opera is generally such a story that entered my life is not only because I have been working with her for a long time, but also because I am a big fan of opera art. I consider it one of the greatest theatrical arts, because it is united the most beautiful - music and human voice.

- It seems to me that in the role of a TV presenter you help the audience to know a certain amazing world, which seems absolutely inaccessible to many?

"A part of my life is generally devoted to educational activities, and it has already become the norm for me. On the channel "Culture" continues to exist a project "Eyes in the eye", which tells about the world of modern choreography, so I do this much and has long been as a teacher and as the head of the two departments in Gitis and in Mkate. So this is the part of my life - to enlighten, bring in the territory that were previously unknown people, tell, open the doors to what else seems to be different and unknown. I love it.

- You put performances in different countries. Choreography language - international, universal?

- There is no universal language, it simply does not exist. Even the music is not a universal language, because someone understands it, and someone does not understand. Not everyone can hear the first concert Rachmaninov. The word "understand" is not entirely correct. Still, art is directed not only in the head - these are such shocks that are scattered throughout the body, these are emotions and mind. I think this is generally something from the field of mathematics.

- You have chosen your professional direction at 9 years old, deciding to devote yourself to ballet. As it was possible at this age consciously decide what you want to associate your life?

- Very many children who are engaged in music, choreography, dancing and ballet chose their profession at this age. Because it is just those professions in which you need to go from 4-5 years old, otherwise it is almost impossible. No wonder the great musicians, we know their names, began to learn music from 4-5 years. Another thing is that a huge role in this, of course, is played by parents, because a normal child wants to go walk, run, distract. Whether things are not what we want to do. But parents help. So thank parents.

- Have you immediately understood that there will be hard upbringing in Vaganov?

- I understood that it would be rigid, but did not think that so much. I broke out several times not to leave, but the moments of despair were often quite. It is a hard thing. Moreover, I was alone without mom in Leningrad, my mother lived in another city with his family, with her new husband. Without mom, very hard in childhood.

- Before your eyes, probably, was her example? Her hardworking, ability to work?

- And Mother's example, and this Leningrad life, which has always been scouring around ballet art and dramatic theater. This is the Mariinsky Theater, and the Kirov Theater, and performances in BDT, and concerts of symphonic music. I just grew in such a medium that was focused on theater and music. Therefore, an understanding of whether you want to do this or not, and it was supposed to come in childhood.

- You were born in Volgograd, and your parents are indigenous Leningraders ...

"They just left at Volgograd at that moment, and I was born there."

- Does your home interior in Moscow remind of Leningrad?

"Yes, I try to keep this Leningrad perfume in myself, because it seems to me that he somehow leads me very correctly and behaves in life.

- And you have roots in Tbilisi and Baku?

- Yes, Tbilisi, Baku, Leningrad. From there I have grandfather and grandparents - one grandmother in Tbilisi was born, from there all the roots, the grandfather on the father's line was born in Baku, and Mamina Korni is Leningrad, Ryazan region. An original Russian family on my mother's line.

- In 19 years, your life has changed dramatically when you got a serious injury and were forced to leave the ballet. What did not allow you to lower your hands at this moment?

- Knowledge of history, communication with people. Many people with whom I communicated in Leningrad - people from gulagov, so I heard their stories and knew that they survived. At the age of 12, I read the then forbidden Book of the Gulag Archipelago Book and so on. So people, only people who gave the opportunity to find out that maybe for many were then closed. And of course the opportunity to receive education in the Leningrad Public Library, to have access to closed funds - it also had its upbringing.

- How quickly did you get mastered in the new director's chair?

- And I do not have a chair.

- Well then in the director's status.

- I do not understand what director's status is. This is not at all. If someone has a director's status, it means that he stopped being a director. Directory is a very hard work. It is partly the work of psychoanalyst, and the designer, and the driver of the scene, and the artist in light and so on. To do this, you need to know a lot, to feel a lot and be a very organized person.

- What are the main commandments you pass to your students?

- Just getting the opportunity to work, not just ponuro to work, but to rejoice at what you do it. And self-disabling. Education and self-education is very important, and this is also hard work. Therefore, not everyone wants to do this.

"Evelina Khromchenko once said in an interview that in his youth, when she rode in the subway and looked at some man, she mentally wanted to change him. You seem to seem to pay attention to posture as a professional.

- Sure! By posture I can immediately if not fully diagnosed, then at least determine what a person is sick, what problems have existed.

- Do you prevent high demands to yourself?

- Yes, I am self-named. It is still necessary to maintain life yourself.

- Do you devote a lot of time to care?

- I want, like all women, to be beautiful. I can not say that I'm worried about this from morning to night. I do not slave beauty salons and diets. I love delicious food, especially in Riga.

- Do you have a special love with this city?

- I love this city very much, so life has developed. I did not choose anything. In 1990, the first tour of my independent troupe was precisely in Riga and it made a tremendous impression on me. There was spring, we came out with my artists from the station, went through the beautiful streets, the colors, incredible beauty of the flower beds were planted around. All bloomed and this impressed me with their sublime restraint. The coast of the Baltic Sea is very similar to the Gulf of Finland, where I grew up and spent a lot of time with my grandmother.

- And how do you relax at home?

- If you can relax with children - this is the best holiday. This is the best energy you get from your children. In other cases, it's just an opportunity for a whole day to be alone. Because it seems to me that it is at this moment I restore. Everyone is different. It seems to someone that he needs a noisy company with friends, someone is restored on a treadmill, someone in a closed room, someone goes to walk. In Riga, I can simply go somewhere to wander, for me it is a very important recovery.

"Your daughter Anna is engaged in design, and what does the son of Mikhail do?"

- Mikhail is studying at the university, he is going to do television. So Anya, and Misha still are in the world of art, but, thank God that not in the theater - it pleases me.

- According to your interview, you can see that you are a very wise person. What gave you this wisdom - roots, upbringing?

- I think, first of all, people with whom I communicated from childhood. Because in Leningrad I had such a circle of communication, which I even envy himself when I remember. In general, people are the main wealth and luxury, which I am given to me that I brought up. People and those events that took place in my life.

- With grandson often spend time?

- Unfortunately, because of the large number of work and permanent connectors, we are very rarely visible with it. A couple of times went together for rest, and these were truly happy days. I hope that when he matures, we will be able to spend together more time.

- Children live with you?

- No, they are adults. I believe that children should live separately. They must conduct an independent life, to fill the bumps themselves, make their way in life, make mistakes, understand how to get out of difficult situations. I do not think that adult advice somehow help children, so I try to not bother them with our advice.

- Have you learned this from your mother or is it your own vision?

- Common, of course. Each chooses its own shape of communication with children. It seems to me that you do not need to select your joys and pains on them. These are other people, they live their way. Therefore, they need to love and always support. It is easiest to maintain your children in joy and well-being, because when they are good, they most often forget about parents. And when they feel bad, then they need support.

- Cooking food is not your element?

"No, when Misha was small, I still cook something." And when he grew up, he somehow said me very carefully: "Mommy, maybe not necessary? But after all, it will be later. " (Laughs.) I thought, well, just so, well, thank God. So I was freed from it. Because there are people who do it a hundred times better than me and talenter, so I better taste other people's work.

- Four years ago, did not become your spouse, the director of the novel Kozak. How did you experience this loss?

- It is impossible to survive this and the new life does not happen. With all the care of close people who had a lot in life, it is impossible to accept. You can only remember and communicate with them. There is no other option. It is impossible to forget and new life cannot be started in any way. It's just dishonest.

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