Disorientation in space: how not to get lost in an unfamiliar city


From the desire to fly on a trip, many stops the language barrier and fear will be lost in an unfamiliar city. Such phobias are eradicated only by practice when you understand that all your fears disappeared at the time as soon as you were able to come from home to the park without a navigator. He prepared a small certificate on how to protect his nerves in the upcoming trip.

Offline maps

Before your trip, download the application with world map maps, download your important points on it - home, attractions, a highly rating cafe and the nearest grocery stores. In place, you can easily figure out where you are and how to get to the desired location - GPS will determine your location, and the application will pave the route between the initial and end points. We advise not to be lazy and celebrate the place on the map where you went randomly, but highly appreciated them - a bar with incendiary music, a restaurant with an excellent wine card or a square with a lot of trees and old benches. Next time you can visit your favorite places or share their coordinates with friends.

Mark on the map where you wish to go

Mark on the map where you wish to go

Photo: unsplash.com.

Do not hide in panic

Remember: There are no hopeless situations. So, turn off your Internet or stop working GPS, you can also find the right place. First look at the pointers - they usually write the name of the bus stop, metro station, streets, house number, direction of attractions. Guided by them and looking at the map, you can walk to location. If you can read the names because you do not know the language, please contact us. In all tourist cities, people are open to interaction with visitors and always help them find the right place.

Install association

Associative memorization is one of the best techniques for mastering information. You can draw a map of your quarter and remember the streets on the cafes, graffiti on the walls or remarkable inscriptions. And your way from home to the bar is paved in the number of traffic lights and turns: two quarters straight, three left, one right. You can cling to memory for anything, at least for the phrases of passers-by or your conversations with a fellow traveler while walking along a specific street. It is easiest way to focus in the cities built by "squares" as New York, Barcelona and others.

Together with the guide you will learn and remember much more

Together with the guide you will learn and remember much more

Photo: unsplash.com.

Hire an individual guide

It is not necessary to fly on a ticket from the tour operator. Better look at Instagram and in the search bar, vite the word "guide" plus the name of the city. So you will find a Russian-speaking guide in the country you need. Some will tell about the gastronomic markets of the region and will spend on secret places for local, others will arrange you to tasting the wines, the third will tell about local culture and art. With a knowledgeable person living in the city for years, you are not only not lost, but also excellently spend time.

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