Some love jogging: what Cambodia attracts tourists


Not all tourists love a relaxed contemplative rest. Some give extreme and sharp feelings. Judging by the number of European tourists who choose in recent years to visit Cambodia, the bolt is becoming more and more. And indeed, that can attract a tourist in the country that has recently survived the war, where not all the Khmer squads got out of the jungle. Where most buildings are bamboo huts on piles with a roof of palm leaves, and there are only the roads near some large cities? But it attracts. "Thailand and Vietnam have become too civilized. There I no longer feel true Asia, "they say these extremals. But Asia in its refined form is still preserved in Cambodia. But hurry ... After all, the tourist Cambodia has already seen, and hence, and there will soon be the livelihoods of life.

Cambodia manit travelers, of course, not only with its Asian nature, but also natural beauty. And most importantly - amazing temple complexes that rightfully refer to the discharge of miracles of light. Those who were lucky enough to see them say that for the sake of such beauty it is worth the hundreds of adversity, and the unconnect of life of Cambodia is not a problem. However, those who are going to this country, you need to know several non-hard rules that will help to avoid trouble. First, it is advisable to make a vaccination from the yellow fever, buy pills from malaria and repellents from mosquitoes. In Cambodia, the climate is wet and hot, so there is enough bloodstorming creatures. Secondly, it would be nice to be vaccinated from hepatitis, because with hygiene there. And it is desirable to refrain from snacks in street eaters, and then your European digestion may not withstand. And yet - in the country it is necessary to move with caution, because not all the detachments of thugs came out of the jungle.

However, if you are traveling to Cambodia in Turputevka, then many problems can simply not notice. Since they will live in a decent hotel, with European and adapted local cuisine. And to carry you will be in a comfortable bus. And you will watch the pictures of an unusual life in the window as in the "club of film driving". And look at the beauty, and health will not lose.

Asia in its refined form is still preserved in Cambodia

Asia in its refined form is still preserved in Cambodia


Something hurt I fought you. Meanwhile, in Cambodia, there is even a decent beach resort - Sihanoukville. Resort developing, so very small. But here are clean beaches and transparent water of the Siamese bay. True, the beaches are chisty only nearby. If you grate to the wilderness, you will meet the garbage familiar to Cambodia. And the water in the bay is too warm, because there is completely shallow water ... But in Sihanville, you can safely eat in street cafes. Where there are a lot of tourists, there is more about service. Here they prepare delicious fish and grilled crabs - just three dollars (along with salad).

Angkor, another Angkor

And yet the beach holiday is not the horse of Cambodia ... But for cognitive tourism, this country is very suitable. No wonder the most tourist destination in Cambodia is the SiemreaP resort - located in the north of the country, not far from the Angkor Archaeological Park, for which the crowds of travelers are sent to this country. Until at the beginning of the XIX century, French researchers discovered the Angkor Temple Complex in the jungle, Siemreap was a simple village. But now this city, called the name in honor of the victory over Siam (Thailand), is one of the most popular places in Cambodia. Here is a huge number of hotels, they are about semisot. Price per night accommodation ranges from 20 to 50 dollars. Many different cafes and restaurants, shops. Recently, an international airport has emerged next to the city, before Siemreapa, had to get from Bangkok or from Hanoi. Last year, Siemreap visited 2 million tourists. And they all arrived here to look at the miracle - the ancient Angkor.

The ancient capital of the Khmer Empire, or, as it is also called, the "city of temples", consists of two parts - Angkor Vata and Angkor Tom. Angkor Wat is the most preserved part of the ancient Khmer capital. To understand the scale of this huge temple complex, it is necessary to know that in due time (from the 9th to the 15th century) more than one and a half million people lived here, and the city occupied about 3,000 square kilometers. It was only about 900 buildings to this day. But this is a huge territory with a lot of amazing on the beauty and magical effects of monuments. The shock from what he saws immediately, still on the bridge leading to the urban wall. You are met by 54 figures of gods and Asur, which as if indicate the road to the temple. Yes, and the shelter tower of gray stones itself, so tightly fitted to each other, which seems monolithic, is striking with dimensions and wonder paintings, knocked out on each single plate. In this kaleidoscope of images, the whole history of Khmer civilization is collected. Total to the city, surrounded by the pvv and the wall, five inputs. Each building in Angkor-cotton can be viewed by hours, comprehending all new and new meanings seen. And the Multician Temple of Bayon, which is located in the heart of the Angkor Tom complex requires a detailed study. On each facade of its 54 pagodas, huge faces are knocked out. And at the same time, 4 emotions are displayed on each person: under a certain angle, the face expresses joy, it is a little shifted, and you notice sorrow, and behind them - non-vulnerable or compassion. As the ancient masters managed to create such a riddle.

Especially for tourists left the exotic part of the temple complex, not cleared from the jungle. And the most famous temple that tasted with nature, consider the Temple of the Ta-Prom, which is now also called the temple of Angelina Jolie, because it was here that the film "Lara Croft, Tomb Rank" was shot. A huge cotton tree grows right from the walls of the temple, whose roots have already become part of the architectural ensemble.

Each building in Angkor Cash can be viewed by clock

Each building in Angkor Cash can be viewed by clock


In the complex of the ancient city of Angkor, one of the oldest temples - Pnom Bakhang. It was built at the end of the IX century, reflecting the dominant the concept of the "Mountain Temple". The once majestic building, consisting of a plurality of tiers, decorated 108 prasat tures. The figure 108 in Vedic religions carries a special sacral meaning, symbolizing the 4 lunar cycles for 27 days in each. Until our days, the temple is not completely preserved. But in a dilapidated form, he entails tourists who, despite difficulties, climb along high stone steps on his numerous tiers. And on the top platform, excursions love to meet sunsets. In the rays of the setting sun, the entire temple complex, foreseeable as on the palm, looks fascinating.

It is clear that in one day and even for two all the beauties of the mysterious Angkor do not look. Connabilities assure that you need a minimum week. And the complex is better to move on a rented car. The best option is the local Tuk-Tuk (Veloiksha).

Royal Palace and Beggars

Well, and then you can look at the other sights of Cambodia. For example, to visit the capital of the pondene, which is very unusual. Here and mixing architectural styles, and a pronounced contrast between rich areas with tourist hotels and poor outskirts with clouds. For this reason, living in the Phnom Penh is not very comfortable. It's better to come on a tour. One day to inspect the Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, quite enough. It is only necessary to take into account that the mode of operation of the Royal Palace is very peculiar: it is open from 8.30 to 11 hours, and then from 14 to 17. The cost of the ticket is 6.25 USD (25 000 khr). When visiting the palace, you have to have a handkerchief with you to cover your shoulders. Also not allowed visitors with naked legs. So the shorts are better replaced by trousers. You can still watch the Temple of Wat Botum, which is just 3 km from the Royal Palace.

Phnom Pen

Phnom Pen


What to eat

As mentioned earlier, it is better to trape in proven places - where there are many tourists, in restaurants or hotels. As in the rest of Asia, the basis of KHMER dishes is rice. And then there may be various "fillers" - chicken, seafood, pork. The traditional addition to dishes is inxis - fermented fish sauce. Also, traditional dishes include amok - fish, chicken or shrimp, cooked in coconut milk with curry. Soup with noodles cooked either with seafood or meat, but with lemon juice are also common. In Cambodia, very respected pork. It is served and fried on grilled, and fried with ginger, with rice, salad. The average price of the dish is 2 dollars. But what's in Cambodia in price, so this is bottled water. Polite bottle costs from 1 to 5 dollars.

What will bring

Cook in Cambodia with various electronics, which can be found in abundance in the markets, experts do not advise. They say, breaks down in a week. It is better to pay attention to manual products - households and various animals Local craftsmen are perfectly cut out of mahogany, green marble, and also create from bronze. You can buy small copies of the famous temples of Angcore from stone and carved Buddha figures. Silk products are also carrying from Cambodia, but it must be taken into account that they quickly lose.

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