Marrieding for a foreigner: Features of international relations


Fate sometimes weave incredible patterns, pushing people towards each other and their fate. You can speak different languages, live in different countries, love different foods, celebrate different holidays. And all this will be absolutely no important if you met your person, your soul mate, with whom you want to live together hundreds of years.

And if you meet, get acquainted and fall in love with our century, Internet technologies are quite simple, then how to competently build relationships with a foreigner, marry him and bring your happiness through many years of living together?

In the West, as in Russia, there are completely different men. In order for you to build a harmonious relationship, you just need to know and take the traditions and features of the mentality of your chosen one. This will give you an understanding of his thoughts, his views on lifestyle, family foundations and expectations from their own woman. At the same time, a happy marriage with a foreign man is quite real, if we consider some nuances.

Julia Lansk

Julia Lansk


Features of international relations

Feature number 1: Foreign men consciously approach the creation and construction of the temple of their family. As a rule, they are ready for marriage somewhere to 33-40 years, when the process of transformation of their personality will be held, and before that time they are engaged in their personal growth, their careers and becoming.

In Russia, at this point, both men and women can repeatedly create a family, give birth to children and even break the relationship.

Feature number 2: When a foreigner's man takes a Russian-speaking woman in his wife, he assumes full responsibility for her, because it perfectly understands that she, moving to another country, leaves everything here and radically changes his life. He realizes that you will not be easy to get a job in his country: confirm your documents for education, learn the language and find a job.

And be sure: if a foreign man is ready to impose such responsibility, then you are really, the most beloved and desired woman. And let this quality will eliminate the extra fears within you and will help you gain readiness to adapt to new realities, country, people and culture.

Feature number 3: It is necessary to build relationships with a foreign man in depth, because there are some stereotype with respect to Russian-speaking women, that all women from the post-Soviet space (or their main part) seek to marry not so much for a man as for his country.

It is this "distrust wall" you will have to be rebuilt, sobering it on bricks. Hold on your chosen one, openly and with dignity, and most importantly, be sincere. It is sincerity, openness and greater depth of feelings are looking for foreigners men in their woman.

Feature number 4: For a foreign man is a great importance to the lifestyle of the chosen and her habits. It is very important that they are consistent with you, for example, you can attribute your focus on active self-affirmation.

After all, in European countries you are unlikely to find a man or a woman who would not pay attention to their health. Many Europeans are quite sports, in their ideology, for the most part, the value of active and active life is common.

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Your union will be more stable if you even think about moving on how you can integrate, and even better - "take place" in that country in which they are ready to leave


Feature number 5: You need to determine your own expectations for your life. Do this at least basic, since a foreigner will want to hear from you a clear understanding of how you see your life in marriage and what resources are willing to invest in our relationship. At the same time, a foreign man often implies your interest in him personally, your time and emotion, which you are ready to invest in communicating with him.

Western man will want to understand in advance how you will build a relationship as much as ready for moving than planning to do, moving, and what you think to find yourself.

Your alliance will be more stable if you even think about moving on how you can integrate, and even better - "take place" in the country in which you are ready to leave, because your socialization and integration into a new society will be important for you. As a rule, European men support the desire of their chosen to self-realization, including through the work.

What can reduce your chances of marriage with a foreign man?

Your "Achilles Fifte" can be inability to speak freely in the language of his chosen one and your unaware of changing.

Yes, at the initial stages of dating, you are quite enough help of any online translator. However, the development of relationships will be necessary for the skills of spoken speech, otherwise your relationship with the chosen one will gradually come to no.

It is important for you to look at the world "without pink glasses" and not guided by the principle of "better where we are not." You should not leave to live abroad, only because you could not self-realize at home and hoping to find yourself in the West. The probability of such an outcome is minimal. It is quite difficult to become "yours" in someone else's country, and in this you, along with the support of your beloved, can help you have experience, knowledge and desire for permanent personal growth.

By the way, resting abroad and live in a foreign country is far from the same thing. Therefore, it is not necessary to make a decision on moving to a permanent place of residence to another country, based only on the emotions received during the vacation. They have nothing to do with the idea of ​​everyday life in this country are absolutely different things.

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The main thing in the process of communication with the chosen one is to place all the points over "I", understand and take a new reality before your marriage and moving to another country


Top 3 Recommendations for the benefit of your relationship with a foreign man:

Highlight the time to study the language on which your man says. You need to be able to accurately formulate your thoughts and understand what they said without distortion.

Get involved in the knowledge of male psychology. This will help you find mutual understanding with a man who is raised in other traditions in another society. As a result, you will easily build communication with your chosen one and maintain conversations for interesting themes for him.

Try to learn more about the nravas, traditions and customs of a foreigner's men to organically fit into his family, take his lifestyle, join the society and be, not to seem, his beloved and happy wife.

Let's bring a small summary

If you want to marry a beloved and loving foreigner and leave to live abroad, it is extremely important that your expectations from living together coincided with the expectations of your man, at least, according to these important criteria:

- Life values ​​and expectations from their second half in marriage;

- Your integration into society and opportunities for self-realization;

- Views on the main masses of living together, for example, the birth and raising of children.

The main thing in the process of communicating with the chosen one is to put all the points over "I", to understand and take a new reality before your marriage and moving to another country. And then different countries and language barriers will not be an obstacle to your happy relationship, because the above is capable of removing most of your experiences and facilitate the process of entering the new society.

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