Alexandra Ursulak: "If I want to be a cheerful grandmother, you need to start cooking Sani in the summer"


- Your heroine in the new season of the series "Grand" is a chef and a pretty hard person. What do you think, how much do you look like her?

- I watched the first series and I can say that it does not have anything to me. I think I am a completely different person. The creators of the film saw me exactly in this image, and it is curious, because I do not feel in this image. Plus it's a certain makeup, suit. But this, of course, is not at all in life: from the costume and hairstyles until my heroine does. I thought everything, why did they decide that I was like her? But for some reason, people perceive this way. It seems to me that I am white and fluffy, and they see that I am black and nasty. (Laughs.) Such a bitch, horror!

- It turns out, you do not relate to anything with your heroine?

- There is the only thing that can somehow tie me with Regina - I love to cook. She is a professional, I, of course, amateur, but this business I adore.

- Probably, you did not do at the site without any specialists in the field of cooking?

- Yes, there were a chef. And in fact, every time it was a shift in the kitchen, I always had something spying something and coming home, I tried to do. And they saw that I was wondering that I had questions about them often, so they themselves were already fit and said: "In general, you take fish, for 30 minutes it is in the oven, there, here ..." And they suggested me quite a few Lifehakov.

In the new season of the series

In the new season, the series "Grand" Alexander played the role of a chef with a difficult character

Press service materials

- I feel, after that, did you prepare a lot of things?

- Lots of. Meat, fish and still the mass of everything. I even bought myself a big cook knife. They can finely cut down the cucumber, for example, and make a puree from it. Now I do not use the grater for this.

- Share Lifehak, as you, a popular and busy person, can you combine the work and raising three children?

- Yes, there is no Lifehak here, you just try to build a time management correctly. This is a matter of organization. But all the same, you can not have time. Some priorities are trying to arrange, and there already, that managed - in that and well done.

- What do you have in priority?

- It is clear that I sit on different chairs at the same time, constantly trying to be in the family, with children, to do so work, and the other. And some personal affairs have time to do. You just choose in each of these individual destinations that you need now. For example, today I can afford it or that. Such a tetris arrange yourself and slowly, you collect on the brick.

- It is no secret that with every new child mom has to go on all great sacrifices. Or in your life it is not?

- Well, of course it is. It does not happen differently, after all, this is a new person. But I'm trying to proceed from the fact that, perhaps, everyone has something superfluous in life. And you just need to get rid of the ballast, and leave something important, released time.

"Some girls are afraid to create a big family, thinking that it will negatively affect his career. Does your career affected your career?

- Well, of course, everything affects. And you need to be afraid, and I'm without this enthusiasm: let's give birth! I believe that everything needs to be done with the mind, to count on my strength, to understand how you cope with this situation, because it is a big responsibility. Okay to give birth to a child, it is necessary to raise him to be a worthy person. I would like to. This is a serious thing that, of course, will reduce your resources. I certainly had to refuse from much.

- without assistants, of course, probably it would be very difficult ...

- Yes, without helpers it is impossible, of course. We have a nanny.

Alexander Ursulak with the older daughter Anna

Alexander Ursulak with the older daughter Anna

- Not all moms, by the way, are ready to entrust the child to an unauthorized person, but only relatives ...

- I believe that professional people should be in any business. And professional nanny is much better than relatives, in my opinion. If only because you cannot demand anything from relatives in this situation, but you can be grateful to them for help. But everyone see help in different ways.

- I can not ask about the successes of your children. Do they grow creative people?

- I don't even know ... it seems to me that we do not have any special success. Although the eldest daughter is a person striving for something. It is quite reasonable, very independent, thirsting to understand, see, learn. She is engaged in sports, Thai boxing, vocal. She finishes a music school for the piano. She would still have a lot of things to do, but not everything can accommodate into your incredible schedule. Here she is actually such a time management that has not dreamed of anyone. Also a school, all this must be combined, it is not easy. But she is big well done. Watch for healthy food.

- But she has been 14 years old - not the easiest age!

- Yes, well, maybe there will still be some kind of trouble. So far nothing.

- Well, the youngest daughter than surprising?

"She just has a difficult transitional period when she is trying to grope himself." She is very informal and cheerful man. The point is not even in education, but inside it does not have these artificially imposed frames. She cannot understand why it is necessary to emphasize such a handle, not another, for example. And the point is not that she does not try or does not want, she just thinks this question so illogical! It is difficult for her such important moments in our sufficiently bureaucratic life. Of course, I try to help her with it, but when she will overcome this certain period in life, she will be easier for her, she will be silent.

- Two and a half years ago you became a mom of a wonderful boy ...

- Yes, I also have a son. He is a completely magical wonderful guy, we love him very much, he lives in our Gypsy Tabor. (Laughs.) It seems to me that he is very fun, because all the time someone is located, all the time there are different people, every sister will tell you anything.

- That is, there is some time with him, even if there is no nanny at that moment?

- Yes. And Anya, and Nastya in this sense very responsible, I can leave them for a while: take a walk or something to do something.

- Do you have time for yourself?

- Since I have all the time there is a feeling that I have something to someone: it is necessary to have it, I basically highlighted myself a separate time. And now, you wish you do not want, I leave him for myself. In this sense, I was much easier. For example, I am engaged in sports, and I understand that an hour or two is my time that I have to allocate a day for sports. Or time when I have to sit and read.

- Why are there so important sports for you?

"Because if you are a mother of three children, you need to follow the way you look." And it is not as simple as it seems. I just gave birth to a third child not at 20 years old, and it became more difficult to keep myself in the form. I am doing fitness, I have cardionage, power, dancing and yoga - in different ways. I'm trying to do a lot of things with my body. I want to be in shape, but sports is also a matter of health. We have so much the life that we are moving little, rarely when we use our body correctly. Therefore, if I want to be a pension with a cheerful grandmother, you need to cook Sani Sani in the summer.

- Too early, you started thinking about pensions ...

- No, this is a very big illusion, because it is impossible without consequences at the age of 50 suddenly to spoil and say: oh, something my leg does not work ... In fact, the most ridiculous thing I left for a pension 7 years remained. Soon for 20 years, as I work in the theater.

Two and a half years ago, the actress gave birth to a wonderful boy, who called Vladimir

Two and a half years ago, the actress gave birth to a wonderful boy, who called Vladimir

- And to specialists in the field of beauty appeal?

- It is necessary to care for yourself. It is necessary to eat right, because it can be seen when I eat right, and when there is no. These are two different faces. Need to sleep necessarily, at least try to do it. And, of course, be sure to come to those skilled in the art: massages, care, procedures - in general, to do yourself.

- Well, do you have a notion of rest? Favorite lesson, in addition to acting?

- When you ask me about the hobby, I think: what else is a hobby? So when? There is no hobby. But, you know, I recently realized that I really have it, and I constantly do them. It just has a disguise under "not a hobby". This is my passion for cooking. Of course, there is some kind of apparatus, but it is possible to avoid it, you can not worry about this topic at all. But I understand that every day I cook something. I am interested in this question, collecting recipes, I watch the show, I study. I think this can be called a hobby, because it is my sweat, and I am happy to do it. And it has a response in my family. But there are complaints that everyone is corrected, because everything is very tasty. This is also my Beach: I love to cook and eat. I have a girl, by the way, they love to cook very much. Elder Anya - she is straight wizard baking, such cakes do!

- And how do you keep the form?

"We just make a decision that we prepare some cake, we have a breakdown, and then - in the string. (Smiles.)

- For many parents of schoolchildren, a real dilemma: do lessons with children or not? What is your approach to this?

- Honestly, I hate it. When it is very necessary, I, of course, sit down and trying. But what I noticed: When I do lessons with younger, she makes lessons worse than without me. All the same, the feeling of responsibility is helped by me. I ask her: "Nast, do good lessons, I apologize to you." And for her it is important that I asked her, she goes and tries. So I do not like it, I barely did my lessons when I studied at school ...

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