Is eyelash extension dangerous


Stop in the morning, rinse the face, walk along a carpet on it, put a drop of a lip balm and go out - it is dreaming about it, perhaps, each. But most often we do not care about the means, adding a pair of crackers with a brush carcass to the eyelashes. And then we remove the surplus, wipe the traces of paint from the century ... However, many of us solved this question dramatically, making a choice in favor of the scorched eyelashes. Beautiful, long, dark, thick - but is everything so easy? We tell in detail.

Today, the extension technique is much more secure and high-quality than two or three years ago. "Clean" compositions for special glue are being developed, strictly evaluated when training masters of lossekers, more advanced cilia are created. And the customers themselves have become demanding and more carefully in choosing their specialist. But with all the readiness for a rather complicated and long-term procedure, you may encounter some problems.

Eyes and periorubital zone - a sensitive and gentle place, which is directly affected by a special glue, often causing allergies. To avoid this, it is important to spend a special test before the procedure.

Reliable master and common sense - here are not only beauty, but also health

Reliable master and common sense - here are not only beauty, but also health


If the reaction was not followed, it is too early to relax, because the adhesive caught on the mucous adhesive can cause a chemical burn. Burning, pain, swelling, redness, tear and feeling of a foreign body - if these symptoms have not passed after all the same days after extension, it's time to "save" eyes!

Often the master can mechanically damage the mucous age. The fact is that Lashmeaker operates with sharp tweezers and a needle stack, with which artificial cilia introduces in a natural row. Your sudden movement, drowning a master's hand - and now you will have to cope with the microtraven. It can lead to infection and inflammation of the age - conjunctivitis, blufaritis or keratitis. If this happened, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The expressiveness of the view is important, but the acuteness of sight should be in an unconditional priority. Reliable master and common sense - here are the constituent of not only beauty, but also health.

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