Full relax: 4 effective way to remove stress


Stress accompanies us most of life, each of us has their own ways that help remove unnecessary tension. We decided to tell about simple methods, thanks to which even after a hard day you will not torment the alarming thoughts.


A rather unusual way to give a mental balance to normal, but nevertheless effective. First of all, unhurried hair combing should take note of women who have long for a long time behind the computer monitor most of the day. Take a wooden comb with frequent teeth and for ten minutes comb hair, gently massaging your head. Thus, you relax the muscles and force the blood circulate faster.

Light massage

No, it is not necessary to go to the master. You can spend an express session right in the workplace. To do this, gently massage the points between the eyebrows, near the base of the nose and under the bottom lip. In these places, important nervous connections that need relaxation are concentrated. Another sensitive place is the palm center. With two fingers massaging this point for 30 seconds. The effect will surprise you.

Do not make yourself a negative

Do not make yourself a negative

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Take a shower

Returning home in a bad mood or irritation, type a hot bath with your favorite essential oil, which will help "wash" the negative, collected in the day. The shower will also become an excellent alternative bath if overheated overheating are contraindicated. Any water procedures will lead you to feel and help relax.

Buy "Coloring"

If you think that only your five-year nephew can paint patterns, you are mistaken. Psychologists recommend resorting to creative therapy to everyone who constantly dwells in a bad mood, since concentrations on the process makes it possible to bring thoughts in order, and bright colors set up on a positive.

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