Life with weather: how not to go crazy when children have a little difference


1. Mom needs to relax! It is very important. It is absolutely not necessary to be in full combat readiness all 24 hours a day - you are not enough for a long time. Use even small periods of time to relax - 10 minutes as Stirlitz, sleep - and again into operation. Do not drive yourself. If there is no opportunity to shift on someone from close walks with children or a trip to the clinic, learn to relax with the children. In general, the "quiet hour" is holy. And with children you can take a bath, read before bedtime. Make rest ritual to follow.

2. Engage dad into the process. It is not necessary to show heroism and someone to prove something, because the decision to start a second child you accepted together, and you need help and support. Therefore, delegate to your husband some of their child care duties. For example, it can be chicken swimming or feeding. Share with your husband with your problems and say that you are tired. You are not just "sitting at home" - you have 2 kids with a very small age difference.

Olga Romaniv

Olga Romaniv

3. Choose what is important now. Remember that ideal mothers are a myth who has nothing to do with real life. Not everything we need to do today is really important, something, you see, you can postpone. Home Time Management and Planning are the most important things when you have two kids in your hands, one of which has just started walking, and the second recently appeared. They both require increased attention, care and mom, which does not fall from fatigue. Set priorities: Cases may be urgent, very urgent and what can be postponed for tomorrow (or never to do). It really saves time and strength.

4. Teach the older to take care of the younger. Whoever spoke to, but the first child is your most faithful assistant, no matter how much years it happens. Even the baby in 1-1.5 years can already entrust something, for example, call you when the younger brother or sister will wake up. Ask for help, do not forget to praise and remember that the kids with a small difference in age are usually very friendly and concern about each other, because they get used to it from an early age.

Be sure to rest - you can with children

Be sure to rest - you can with children


5. You need help assistants. Kitchen and other household appliances saves mom a bunch of time. While the machine is erased, the dishwasher washes the dishes, and the multicooker is preparing, you have time to relax a little or do something useful to free yourself. Think about the fact that your home is comfortable - you can refuse something to yourself, not to buy an excess costume one of the kids, but you can have the opportunity to do everything faster.

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