8 rules that should not be neglected during and to avoid disease


1. Prepare food safely

On food and finished dishes, microbes are very quickly multiplied. Wash your hands, dishes and kitchen surfaces more often when cooking, especially raw meat. Always wash fruits and vegetables. Prepare and store products at the right temperature. Do not leave food where it fell - immediately put in the refrigerator.

2. often wash your hands

Take the rule: wash your hands as soon as come home. And remember: wash your hands need not less than 20 seconds.

3. Disinfect items used and surfaces.

Cleaning with soap and water or wipes by antiseptic usually enough. You must regularly disinfect your bathroom and kitchen. Disinfect other areas in the apartment if someone is sick in the house. It is now very relevant to disinfect everything you bring to the house, including products from the store.

4. cough and sneeze, covering mouth

This is a simple rule for some reason, many people still do not comply. If you cough or sneeze, it is better to cover your mouth not with hand, but an elbow.

Alexander Vdovin

Alexander Vdovin

5. Do not share personal things

Try not to share personal items that cannot be disinfected, such as toothbrushes and razors, towels, and so on.

6. Make vaccinations

Vaccines can prevent many infectious diseases. There are vaccines for children and adults designed to protect against many infectious diseases. There are also vaccines that are recommended or required for trips to certain parts of the world.

7. Wear masks, gloves and safety glasses

Infection is cunning and unpredictable, and only the complete protection of mucous membranes and skin cover is able to reduce the risk of infection to the minimum. Many are limited to wearing masks, but do not forget that the mucous membrane of the eye also needs to protect against infection with the help of special glasses, and wearing gloves will help prevent the propagation of infection through the surfaces we touch.

8. Do not touch the face

Most people touch the face without any need on average from 20 times in an hour. This habit is useful to get rid of this habit in order to prevent the reproduction of bacteria on the skin of the face and getting viruses into the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose and eyes.

8. Stay at home when sick

On the need for self-insulation in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection today learned each in a forced order. But in fact, this also applies to any other viral diseases transmitted by air-droplet, including ORVI, which one person can transfer painlessly, and the other cannot be transferred at all. Recose yourself and surrounding and at the first signs of the disease stay at home, observing all previous recommendations.

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