How to save marriage, or why are we throwing good husbands?


"Of course, your husband has its drawbacks! If he were holy, he would never marry you, "Dale Carnegie said. I really like this carnegie saying, because women who are unhappy in marriage most often place all the blame for it on a man and very rarely see their shortcomings. But if you, dear ladies, at least once, at least mentally, change with your half roles, I assure you, many words and actions of your husbands will become absolutely understandable.

This article prompted to write an amazing fact. Recently, wives have come to me at the reception, which have good husbands: caring loving, patient, but ... it became terribly boring with them. Sex is familiar, the relationship is smooth, and so lacks sharpness, raisins, passion, and here he is converted. Young or not very, with an apartment or without, educated or working, it does not matter. The main thing is that he is new! Like a dress, bag, shoes ... Dress up differently, says, smells ... and sex with him is also an unusual, bright, not coming in any comparison with the couple ... And what is it noble, honest, etc. - the list can be continued infinitely . Each woman in love will always find what to admire.

One of my client, describing the nature of my lover, said with pleasure: "My God, what is it harmful! He all makes me called! He does everything on the contrary! ". And at the same time I listened and wondered what are you waiting for? If now, on the edge of the relationship, he, what will it be then, when will the novelty of the senses be held, the problems will take, will the problems? But in the rush of your feelings, we do not think about it! It seems to us that I finally came true love, which means it will be eternal, and ahead is only joy and happiness. And in pursuit of this, we destroy everything on the way, without thinking, overlooking the family, children, parents. And what then?

I can not remember one amazing case. A woman came to the reception to me 38 years old. It is quite interesting, confident in yourself, but at the same time with a completely discharged psyche. Responding to any question, she immediately began to cry. In the end, the next picture was drawn. She has a husband. Good, reliable, loving. But at work she met another man, younger for 15 years. A stormy romance has fallen. My client was ready to destroy the family and go to his beloved. But here it happened unexpected. Young man on nervous soil lost speech. She began to carry it in doctors, buy medicines, pay for treatment. But doctors of consolation predictions were not given. It is in a state of complete confusion, fear and insecurity to me and this woman came. She was ready to quit her husband and turn into a nurse for a man younger than herself for 15 years, without education, without work, without housing. What do you think about the development of this novel? You can, of course, assume that love is creating wonders. The young man cured, graduated from the institute, found a job and was always grateful to his savior and loved her the rest of his life ... But it could be completely different. We looked at different options, but the choice still remained for my client, and I sincerely wish her a fatal mistake.

In our country, about 70% of divorces occurs on the initiative of women. But at the same time not all the re-married. Of course, if the husband is a drug addict, a sadist or an alcoholic, then the question of divorce is not even worth it. It should be a solid and unambiguous solution. Otherwise, your life will turn into a series of nightmarish events that always end tragically. And the opinion of the lovers of women about what they will save their beloved from some detrimental habits, deeply mistakenly. You either acquire the same habits or eternal struggle to waste your strength, youth, health. Is there a big fee? Therefore, today we are talking about why women leave good husbands, not wanting to keep marriage.

According to statistics, women who have good work and salary are most often served for divorce. But in order to have a good job and high salary, such a woman should not bother to build their careers, often to the detriment of the family. And good husbands, in favor of their halves, make up with it, or hammering all home care and raising children, or hiring nannies and housekeepers. Family roles are shifted. The wife becomes a getter, taking over all the communist functions, and the husband slowly gives the position and ... finally loses his beloved. In her eyes he is a weakl, loser and rookha. But isn't the woman herself created such a family model with her hands?

She got used to earn, make decisions, be self. So, lonely. Because the family is a partnership, this is a team game, and there are no bosses and subordinates. But how difficult it is at home a successful businesswoman to become a loving, caring woman. So surprise others: both beautiful, and smart, and rich, and one. And what else do you need guys? And the men need to be just a good person. Pinkish, soulful, sincere. After all, you live with a model, the head or queen of beauty, namely, with a man. But women in pursuit of their values ​​lose the most expensive family. And now at work a pretty colleague appeared. The first glances, smiles, again as a heart beats in youth, and when the kisses are remembered, the head is spinning and sweetly freezes inside. And now the old husband begins to simply infect. Socks, scattered around the apartment, a loud conversation on the phone, the habit of not omitting the chairs toilet - everything causes irritation and discontent. And the more we are angry with your husband, the more points they gain our new chosen one. "I can't see how he eats, chews, breathe how constantly looking for the keys from the car ..." - I hear these words at the receptions regularly. But do you have a guarantee that, breaking the family and leaving your husband, will you find your happiness? After all, everything will be the same soon. The interest in the adorable object will gradually weaken, get out of his bad habits, often more nasty than the old husband, he moves to your apartment, problems with children will arise ... then a spear broke?

There is another option if a woman goes to a richer and successful than a former husband. But she does not even suspect that she is waiting. Here with the distribution of roles everything is clearly. And he already makes decisions where to live with whom to be friends, where to go to rest - on the simple foundation that he is a man who contains a woman. Is independent lady ready to change your character so quickly? Not sure.

Then is it worth it all for the sake of obscure prospects and dubious pleasures? Is the one for whom you got married, so hopeless? After all, you once loved him, dreamed of a family, hoped for happiness. What has changed? Do not blame all your husband, admit to honestly, what did you do wrong, what are your mistakes? And try to save your marriage. On horseback is not only your further well-being, calm, confidence in tomorrow, but the most important thing is your children who will be happy with the fact that in their childhood Mom and Dad were near.

What to do for this? Tips simple:

1. Think and honestly admit that you acquire, destroying the family, and what losing. Take a sheet of paper and write all the pros and "minuses". I assure you a lot of things.

2. Try to start with yourself in restoring relationships with your husband - Start with a simple smile. Nothing needs to be done - just smile more often, and you will see what the strength of the smile.

3. Give your husband again to feel like a man. Let at least something will be as he wants. Try - sometimes weak to be so nice.

4. Try not to correct your half. The occupation is nervous and unpromising.

5. Take the final decision only after it understood that your marriage is impossible to save.

I sincerely hope that, maybe this article will help to keep the marriage, and I wish all women not to be lonely and remember: "That family, where women are burning. Always flourishes the family where they are happy. "

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