Only natural: dispel the myths about breastfeeding


The expectation of the kid is accompanied not only by pleasant unrest, but also experiences of the future mother, and one of the most popular reasons for thinking becomes breastfeeding. The stories of the girlfriends, the advice of colleagues and senior relatives do not give a clear understanding that he is waiting for a young mother, but only add even more excitement. We decided to figure out what the myths about breastfeeding are true, and what is worth considering skeptical.

Myth # 1: Breastfeeding needs to be prepared in advance

It is not necessary to forget that breastfeeding, probably the most natural process of all, and therefore spend days and night on the forums in search of advice, how to properly prepare yourself physically and, most importantly, psychologically, it is definitely not worth feeding. The myth that breastfeeding is not such a simple process, was born in the middle of the last century, when the production of mixtures for kids was at the peak. Manufacturers in need praised their product, talking about the pluses of mixtures and difficulties of natural feeding. If you have a choice between breastfeeding and mixtures, in the first months you still have to give preference to the chest.

Do not believe absolutely everything you read on forums

Do not believe absolutely everything you read on forums


Myth # 2: Because of the natural feeding, breast shape

During pregnancy, breasts naturally changes the form, since global restructuring of all organs occurs throughout the body. Almost always the chest increases in the amount of milk enough to the child. Moreover, it does not matter to feed my mother itself or not - there will still be milk. However, the breast can really change much, but the case is not at all in the very process of feeding, but in pregnancy.

Myth # 3: You can't breastfeed too long, otherwise cracks will appear

We cannot agree. Cracks arise in three reasons: you are too aggressive and often wash your breasts thereby cutting the skin; You incorrectly apply a child to the chest; You brought infection. If you encountered a third option, that is, with infection, it is not so difficult to cure, but still it is worth avoiding such unpleasant moments. The duration of feeding itself does not affect the appearance of cracks.

Myth # 4: breast milk is not considered a drink

In nature, you will not be able to find a single young mammal, which would combine maternal milk and water. And all because milk compensates for the need for fluid. The same applies to human milk, which consists of 86% of the water, it is definitely not worth a child.

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