Retro Hair Accessories, Color Mascara and Green Nail Polish


Peacock feathers

Mascara of unusual colors almost every year is firmly justified in the spring-summer collections of makeup, but this time it was delayed at all until the end of the autumn. Therefore, if you want to use it in your image and do not look at this vulgar, choose dark tones (sapphire, purple or turquoise) and apply it to the second layer on the black mascara.

Retro hairstyles relevant

Retro hairstyles relevant


Remember youth

This season, the hair stylists offer us teleport to the nineties. Accessories for the period unexpectedly returned to the fashion: the grinders, the dressings in retro style and even completely forgotten by all rims-springs. So we advise you to move the boxes with jewelry, which you probably have preserved from those dick time. We are confident, there will certainly find any of these values.

Green varnish - why not?

Green varnish - why not?


Judging Casket

Dark green nail polishes with unobtrusive metal glitter always look saturated and noble. For the cold season, they are especially successful and, which is the most remarkable, harmonize with the skin of any shade, in contrast to the capricious salad. It's time to add a new color to your usual palette!

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