Daughter Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum turned 16 years old


Angelica Varum not only congratulated his daughter in "Instagram", but also admitted that she would like to look at the world through the eyes of a 16-year-old girl.

"Today you have sixteen years old. I wish, let him briefly, to make your body. To feel whatever you feel. To hear music as you hear her. To find in verses and prose hidden from all and only one well-known meaning. To look at the world by your eyes and hear the world of your ears. I wish ... In order not to make mistakes, so as not to be mistaken, so as not to offend you with misunderstanding ...

Happy Birthday, Cat! Be healthy! Be happy!

And yes keeps you the one who keeps you. I am nearby "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit).

And Dad Lisa Leonid Agutin wrote a whole poem in his teaching manner in his teaching child:

"I'm not used to get used, how much is it?

Where is it all rushing and rushing?

I remember the baby in his hands,

The one has decided to be born.

I remember the girlfriend, Pelonka captives,

Funny, looks like me in old age.

How I was sincerely conquered

Proud of your human little.

I remember your room Milky Way

First steps and curly miracle.

Cute, believe me, someday

So it will be important who you come from ...

Everything in this dusk can be.

Life is not painted on the key.

The main thing is not to forget to speak

Thanks to mom's best in the world.

Lyzonchik, happy birthday! With sixteenthly, adult you are my daughter ... "

Daughter Leonid Agutina and Angelica Varum is fond of heavy rock. Photo: instagram.com.

Daughter Leonid Agutina and Angelica Varum is fond of heavy rock. Photo: instagram.com.

Recall that Lisa Agutin went in the footsteps of his star parents: he was fond of music, mostly heavy rock, sings and plays musical instruments, and also writes poems in English. Lisa lives with grandparents in Miami. The girl is studying in an elite American school and speaks English better than in Russian, which, however, is completely expected. Parents communicate with a child on Skype and telephone, and in Miami fly several times a year.

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