Live stories: "I needed to lose weight to feel healthy"


"Previously, I was never particularly interested in the topic of weight loss. I considered myself if not a slender person, then definitely not to those who are time to lose weight. In my presentation, then it was women far over 100 kg, which, against the background of completeness, the chronic diseases begin to manifest. Stupid, know. But then I had exactly such a picture of the world.

My self-esteem could be envied. Now, looking back and remembering these years, I am surprised at myself. I had an 84 kilogram, but it didn't prevent me to enjoy life. The reason why I started to lead a healthy lifestyle was simultaneously the strangest and the most banal, which could be - the elevator broke into our house. Sounds funny, yes? But I will explain now.

Somehow my friend and I decided to arrange evening sites - with a bunch of delicious food, wines and conversations. So, we met and went to the store to buy something from products. They came with her satisfied, each in a package food in hand. My girlfriend, unlike me, was a slim all my life (if not to say worse). Its weight never exceeded 52 kg. So, we go into the entrance with food packages, we call the elevator, and he does not go. Stood, waited. No, it does not go. Broken

Then my apartment was on the last, the 9th floor. There is nothing to do, you have to go on foot. No one knows when the elevator will be able to fix. Girlfriend went ahead, I'm behind her. And then for me, as if the scene began from the movie about survival. Each floor was given with great difficulty. The girlfriend has already ran upstairs, and I still tried to climb. It was both funny and sad. At that moment I felt terrible.

Finally the cherished inscription "9th floor". Because of the breath, due to the fact that the heart is broken as abnormal, I can not come to my senses. I remember, then thought

"Lena, seriously? You are 30 with a little, and how old the old sick old woman, do not get enough sleep. What happens? "I look at the girlfriend, and even though you are tired, but feels much better. Each has its own turnuisle moments in life. Let it be strange, but even then for the first time for the whole life I realized that it was necessary to seriously engage in my health. My goal was precisely well-being.

Began very interested in this topic. I bought literature, signed on a huge number of girls in social networks, which could lose weight and restore the health precisely thanks to the right nutrition. All sorts of "magic pills" did not interest me. I understood that I can, without knowing it, to harm the body.

As a result, I found a stunning girl, my mentor, Galina, who later became also my girlfriend. She told why it is so important to eat small portions, which, how much you will stretch the stomach, will depend on your saturation degree, gave a bunch of recipes for the preparation of useful dietary dishes, taught to count KBJU and gave a very much of the necessary information that here You can list infinitely.

I just want to share my result. For a year and a half I lost up to 60 kg. But the most important thing is that I gained fine well-being. I now do not have a sword, as before, when I rises along the steps. I have a feeling of lightness. Some girls want to lose weight to get into a new dress, and I realized that I needed it to feel healthy, "Elena shared his story from Moscow.

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