Alexander Astashenok: "God does not give inspired tests"


- What color do you associate yourself?

- It is hard to say. A lot of them. For example, like the sky color: light blue. He is associated with me with infinity.

- Have you ever to say that I read Schopenhauer, even if you did not read it?

- Never say what I did not do. Even in order to exaggerate self-esteem.

- Somedo in the attack of rage you beat the dishes, the newspapers teamed, moved objects?

- Yes, it was just a few times in my life. But in general, I am quiet and calm.

- Have you ever made something from the hotel room or a restaurant for memory?

- I do not enjoy this type of entertainment.

- Did you have given presented gifts?

- Not. I always ask you to give me something needed.

- What can make you redden?

- The moment when I could not fulfill my promise.

- Have you ever exaggerated the value of the thing you wear?

- Not! This is stupid.

- Your reaction at the sight of your own double?

- At least ask you to take a picture.

- Your main advantage?

- To not give up.

- What kind of test you do not?

- God does not give unbearable tests.

- Who do you most often have to deceive?

- Himself.

- What talent would you like to possess?

- I have everything you need to achieve goals and happy life. Talent is ninety-five percent of work and only five percent of the gift over.

- Do you know the exact amount that is now in your wallet?

- Sure.

- What did you promise yourself this morning?

- To try to become a little better than yesterday.

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