5 films about fraud with paintings


Many thought that the brave and charismatic thieves museum values ​​"live" only in the movies, but the recent events surrounding the attempt to change the owner of the painting Kuindzhi became an occasion to talk about the fact that the on-screen heroes inspire ordinary people.

Dandy in anger

In the film "Gambit", the seamenly of the Picture of 1966, Colin Firth played art historian who works as a curator of a private collection. Vulgar greed and bad manners of the collection of the collection are so annoyed by the Curator that he is solved at revenge. It would be naive to expect from a gentleman in okay crocheted suit and glasses of armed robbery, however, the sale of a false monet for real twelve million pounds is quite bye. Those who wish to repeat this should be remembered that in the art business you need a imperturbable look even at the time of shameless deception, as well as the ability to "keep the face" in a situation where you want to hit it.

Evgeny Evstigneev and Yuri Nikulin

Evgeny Evstigneev and Yuri Nikulin

Photo: Frame from the movie "Old Rogue"

Desperate pensioners

The investigator of the balls (Yury Nikulin) does not want to put up with the expansion of a retirement, decides to come up and reveal a loud business and in the company of his friend-engineer (Evgeny Evstigneev) abducts from the Museum "Portrait of a young man with a lace collar" Rembrandt. The heroes of the film "Old Mutniki" acted on the same scenario as the Tretyakovsky kidnapper. They came to the museum, took the cloth "to the restoration", and no one would say the words. By the way, there was no museum on the set. Say Nikulin refused to "rob" the real culture of the temple, so the ladder "museum" was shot in the building of the faculty of journalism of Moscow State University, the interior is "played" Lviv City Hall, and acted as a facade of Lviv city administration building. The canvas that heroes have endured, is now in the State Hermitage.

Vensean Kassel

Vensean Kassel

Photo: Frame from the movie "Trans"

Criminal talent

Hero of Wensan Kassel in the film "Trans", like a racing dog, chased for the picture of Francisco Goya "Witches in the air." And in the "12 friends of Owen", a narcissistic thief of Francois Toulur in his own performance, very artistically kidnaps from the Museum of Faberge Egg. It must be admitted as in the role of a brutal robber, and in the image of the thumb-acrobat Kassel is incredibly good. In one of the episodes of the "12 friends of Owen" Tulur masterfully pursue through the laser rays, and for the filming of this scene it was very pleasant for the long-standing passion for the Kassel brazilian martial art of Capoeira. However, the development of the plot allows us to conclude that the treasure is sometimes easier to steal from the museum, but during transportation.

Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan

Photo: Frame from the movie "Scam Thomas Krauna"

Bored millionaire

The main character of the film "Scam Thomas Krauna" in the execution of the pier of Krasnan, as well as the character of Colin Firth in the "Gambita", is not indifferent to impressionists. Mr. Korun put an eye on San George Maggiore at dusk "Claude Monet. For the sake of the canvas, it suits the present show of illusionists in the museum with the participation of attracted extras, which allows him to steal the picture and hide. The main motive is boredom. The source of danger is not so much the police as a beautiful woman in the execution of Ren Russo. By the way, the fee actresses for shooting was five million dollars. And it was that a remuneration was to get her heroine for the picture found. With the pier of the knast, everything turned out to be much more difficult. At that time, the actor played James Bond in the famous franchise and was associated with a mass contract. As a result, there is no corporate brand on Crane clock, and a tuxedo, in which the hero of Raspan is dancing with the heroine Rousseau, "assembled" is not on the etiquette: there is no butterfly, the shirt is unbuttoned. Classic tuxedo actor at that time could only wear on the film crew about Bond.

Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones

Photo: Frame from the movie "Western"

James Bond on pensions

Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones were nominated for the "Golden Raspberry" award as the worst kinodumost in the film "Western". But this does not mean that the chase of their heroes, the thieves of the extra-class, first behind the cannut Rembrandt, and then the valuable Chinese mask look boring. High technologies, excellent physical preparation, humor and ability to appreciate the good whiskey give the criminal duet charm, who did not dream of the laws of the law. The delets, with which the heroes of the film turn their divisions, and in fact makes believers that in museums all the scripts have long been replaced by copies.

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