Grow, hair, healthy and long: how to stop losing


This, will be honest, a terribly unpleasant problem can be a man and a woman. And if for a man hair loss is not critical, but the woman begins to panic, which is quite natural.

As you know, in the day we lose about a hundred hairs, which is the norm. However, quite often the hair is "climbing" with terrible strength, and here you already need to take some action. How to help the hair stay on your head and strengthen them, we will tell further.

Causes of loss

The hair can leave our head on a variety of reasons, but they all flow out of the body's condition. If we are talking about women, hair loss can be due to a violation of hormonal balance or problems in gynecology. Nevertheless, you can detect the hair bug on the pillow and after a tightening cold: infectious diseases contribute to the weakening of the body, which leads to impaired blood flow and, as a result, to poor blood supply to hair bulbs. In any case, if the problem of hair loss has dragged, contact a trichologist.

Remember when you noticed the problem, you may have dramatically changed the diet or use too aggressive care tools.

What can be done by

First, it is necessary to understand that the approach to the fight against falling will not be one-step. You will have to take advantage of at least several ways, for example, massage and enrichment with vitamins.

People's methods tested by time

Yes, in the yard of the 21st century, but decoctions and tinctures from herbs still have a service. In addition, not only herbs, but also oils belong to folk therapy. Useful oils oil: REPEY, Castor and Olive.

The rapid oil is perhaps the most efficient, it can be used both separately and in combination with other methods. It is advisable to combine with a change in the diet. To begin, determine your hair type, then start acting, for example, if you have the tips, and the length is suffering, add egg protein to the diet, fermented dairy products.

If the hair is fat, pay attention to the recipes of masks with mustard: it will not only help activate sleeping bulbs, but also strengthens hair along the entire length. A decoction from chamomile will perfectly calm the scalp and eliminate dandruff and dermatitis.

Several recipes for problematic hair

Wheat mask

Take 2 tablespoons of germinated wheat, vegetable oil, but better all the same rapid, and red pepper. Mix to obtain a homogeneous mass, then apply on the skin of the head and leave for 10 minutes.

Oil mask

Relieve a ray or olive oil (2 tbsp. Spoons), dry mustard (half a teaspoon), yolk eggs. Again, mix and apply on the hair. Make such a mask is recommended no more than 2 times a week. In addition to therapeutic effect, it will have a moisturizing effect on the hair.

Rinse decoction herbs

Instead of harmful water from under the crane, where heavy metals are contained, try to rinse the hair with the infant of herbs, for example, the infusion of burdock, nettle or immorter. These herbs are considered the best in combating hair problems and scalp.

Hair care

So that the hair remains with you and become more thick and stronger, follow our recommendations:

1. When combing, be careful, do not pull the hair comb. Buy a soft brush and start combing tangled hair from the tips, gradually selected to the roots.

2. Discard the tight gum that mercilessly domestic hair. In addition, the continuous use of iron and the bad will not add health.

3. The cause of loss can be both banal hair extensions. It is known that the capsule extension contributes not to so much to an external increase, how much to weaken live hair.

4. Combine only dry hair: in wet they are too weak, and you can hardly have wet strands without "losses".

5. Try as much as possible to use a hairdryer.

Summing up, you need to reduce the load on the hair, to start actively to care with the help of gentle agents, revise the diet and, if the problem is too dragging, contact a specialist.

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