New generation of Pantene Pro-V shampoos formula. Hair Care Revolution


Pantene Pro-V presents a revolutionary discovery in the field of hair care - a fundamentally new formula of its shampoos *, which contains the unique technology of AntioXidant Damage Blockers, protecting the hair from damage to the oxidation process during the head washing. With her, hair becomes more stronger, beautiful and look markedly healthier after each application of shampoo.

It is impossible to always look flawless when daily have to face so much obstacles. From now on, when it comes to hair condition, compromises are inappropriate! With the new Pantene Pro-V formula, you can forget that the hair may not look like the best way.

The formula has successfully passed a series of clinical trials, over which 11 leading experts Pantene Pro-V worked. 1200 hair samples taken from 450 women out of 9 countries were subjected to washing procedure more than 8000 times. Pantene Pro-V became the first mass market by a brand that changed the formula of shampoos of all its collections * using Antioxidant Damage Blockers technology. Thanks to proteomics, science engaged in the study of proteins, Experts of the Scientific Research Institute of Hair Pantene Pro-V found that, regardless of type, length or ethnicity, with each wash, the hair is accumulated with copper, which is contained in tap water. Antioxidant Damage Blockers technology provides protection against damage from copper oxide. It was designed using the methods used in quantum physics, and contains an EDDS element - "Magnet" for metals, which helps to neutralize the harmful effects of copper and prevents its accumulation in the hair.

Jennifer Marsh (Jennifer Marsh), Dr. Science, Expert of the Scientific Research Institute of Hair Pantene Pro-V: "Despite the fact that copper does not have a negative impact on the body as a whole, its accumulation in the Volina kernel leads to erosion and loss of vital proteins And lipids, as a result of which the structure of the hair is destroyed. "

Oxidation is a process that affects the human body, contributing to premature aging. Accumulating in the structure of the hair, oxidants activate free radicals that destroy the cells of the hair cuticle. It loosens the hair structure, making them more susceptible to damage when laying, and also leads to dryness and fragility of hair and the appearance of split tips.

Danilo (Danilo), the International Ambassador Pantene Pro-V: "People often do not realize how vulnerable their hair is vulnerable. And harm from laying is far from the biggest out of trouble. Much more hairs harms the process of oxidation due to the effects of metal oxides contained in tap water. My star customers have very high requests in everything with regard to the appearance, including their hairstyles. Therefore, I insist on the regular use of treatments such as Pantene Pro-V, which protect hair from damage. With them, the hair really shine health. "

In order for hair care products "worked" as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to use them regularly and complex. In addition to the new shampoos formula, which protects hair from oxidation, Pantene Pro-V has improved the composition of rinsing balms with keratin protection system (Keratin Protection System) during styling. This technology forms a thin protective layer along the entire length of the hair from the roots to the tips, helping to prevent the loss of proteins. The use of a rinsing balsam and Pantene Pro-V shampoo in the complex makes hair more stronger and invulnerable after each wash.

* In addition to shampoos from Anti Dandruff collections, Age Defy and Nature Fusion

Photo provided by a press agency CBAGENCY

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