Relieve more


Long-awaited warm days are not far off.

In anticipation of vacation, we smash our wardrobe and come to disappointing conclusions: a sedentary lifestyle, stress and late dinners have poorly affected the figure. The desire to dramatically stroke and get into your favorite dress leads to a rapid action like a diet from asparagus and spring water. In most cases, this approach threatens nervous disruptions, poor well-being and minimal efficiency.

"Before resorting to decisive measures, decide that you are actually worried about: scored kilograms or leather flabbing, irregularity of relief, cellulite," says Evgeny Rekko, a physiotherapist, a specialist in the treatment of the medical cosmetology of the Golden Medical Group. - The fact is that the elimination of extra volumes use some techniques, and to restore the skin tone - others. If we talk about cellulite, then it may arise from a practically a healthy woman of any kind (even in thin), and it is difficult to remove it with diets or fitness. At the same time, others may not see problems, nevertheless a woman is dissatisfied with their reflection in the mirror.

Cellulite is a change in skin quality as a result of a violation of normal metabolism in skin cells and subcutaneous fluid, as well as the weakening of the connecting fibers. To cope with the notorious "orange crust" and improve the condition of the skin, it suffices to use the services of modern cosmetology and conduct several corrective procedures. When it comes to real fat accumulations, everything is somewhat more complicated.

If there is only a couple of extra kilograms between you and excellent summer dress, you can remove them with hardware and cosmetic procedures, as well as changing your motor activity and food habits. It is more difficult to cope with an excess weight that appeared as a result of hormonal disorders and various diseases, "there is a consultation of an endocrinologist, analyzes and eliminating the true cause of obesity. Remember that the growing monthly increase in weight may indicate endocrine violations that cannot be ignored.

In addition, in the struggle for slightness and beauty, it is necessary to take into account the features of your physique. The fact is that fat accumulates and is distributed from different people in different ways:

At the bottom of the body is the most common type of figure in women;

in the area of ​​the abdomen, sides and loins; At the top of the body is the most rare type.

But no matter how much the constitution awarded you, for the correction of the figure in cosmetology, the same methods are used, simply in various combinations. Which one is suitable in person to you, give to solve the doctor. "

Lose weight with the mind

To avoid typical when losing weight, the doctors of the medical cosmetology clinic Golden Medical Group recommend follow the general rules.

1. Put in front of you real goals and do not force the result.

Throw off 15 kg in two weeks you will not be able to do with all your desire, and even if it happens, together with the departed kilograms you will get a bouquet of health problems. It is necessary to lose weight and scenario, so that the body is gradually gained to a new weight.

2. Do not appoint a diet yourself and do not turn your diet into a gourmet hunger strike.

When you sharply reduce the amount of food, all organism systems have stress and begin to stock up even more. Power must be balanced, cover the needs of your body and take into account lifestyle. Remember that only on simple maintenance of life, excluding additional physical exertion, a certain amount of energy is required daily (from 800 to 900 kcal). And if you add mental and physical exertion here, then the figure will increase to 1100-1400 kcal per day. Reduce the number of calories below this value without prior consultation with the doctor is not recommended. Otherwise, serious health disorders may arise (including gynecological).

3. Do not only give a diet.

If you do not want to be like a blown air ball, be sure to make time training - aerobic classes, pilates, yoga and swimming. The load should be satisfactory and systematic, 2-3 times a week (it is desirable to consult with a fitness trainer).

Do not get carried away by the power exercises (exercises on simulators): Remember that they not only help reduce fat, but also add relief. Due to the inflated muscles, the volume of problem areas will remain the same, and the proportions of the figures will not change.

4. To reduce the weight, it is necessary to spend more energy than to receive it with food, so look for opportunities more often and more actively move.

Moreover, it should be in the habit, and not be a temporary solution, and at the same time, you personally give you pleasure. It can be walking in the park on weekends, refusal to use the elevator, an escalator. You can go to one stop earlier to walk to the house or office. Choose what you like more and stick to this constantly.

5. Be indulgent to yourself.

Praise yourself even for small victories and do not fall into despair if the weight arrow froze and does not move. Focus not on the weight, but on the volume of body and the proportions of the shape.

Odlected approach

As already noted, only with the help of a diet or fitness proportions of the figure to change is difficult, because the body is thinner equal to dimly, so if you had a protruding tummy, then it will be noticeable and after weight loss.

"Local correction techniques will help as close as possible to the desired ideal," continues the story of Evgeny Rekko, the physiotherapist medical cosmetology clinic of Golden Medical Group. The center has a wide range of therapeutic and cosmetology procedures, which make it possible to improve the contours of the figure without surgical intervention. The combination of proven time and the most innovative approaches allows to achieve impressive results and almost completely change the figure. The most effective method of combating local fatty deposits and cellulite is the ELOS procedure on the VELA SHAPE apparatus. The unique development is based on a combination of photodynamic therapy and radio wave lifting, under the action of which there is a splitting of fat and strengthening collagen and elastin fibers.

Thanks to a special vacuum nozzle, the impact is only on the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue, without affecting the muscles and internal organs, so the procedure is completely safe for health.

Successful combination of these techniques in one apparatus provides modeling of the figure, lymphatic drainage (removal of excess fluid tissues), improves local metabolic processes, levels skin relief.

With the help of an embedded computer program, you can select the necessary parameters for any patient, taking into account the features of its shape. The ELOS method allows in a short time to change the contours of the body for the better and get rid of unwanted volumes in distressed zones. And all this is independent of gender, age, type of leather or tanning.

To achieve a strong result, it is necessary to carry out several pro-cedur (from 4 to 7) with an interval per week. The decrease in subcutaneous fat occurs in no one session, but gradually, which is most acceptable and safe for the body. Another important point: the impact of the device allows not only to improve the contours of the shape and remove extra centimeters on the waist, hips, stomach, but also significantly tighten the skin, make it smoother and elastic.

The VELA Shape apparatus can be used both independently and in combination with other techniques, among which are the following:

Press therapy

If we are not talking about significant fatty sediments, but only about a pair of extra centimeters in the abdomen, hips and buttocks, then the technology of Elos is recommended to combine with the press engine. In addition to modeling the figure, the procedure removes muscle tension, strengthens the vessels, removes the swelling and fatigue of the legs, serves as the prevention of venous disease.

During a session on the patient, there are special cuffs, in which air is then served according to a certain scheme. The procedure is very comfortable, felt like a pleasant relaxing massage. The pressure being created enhances the lymphatic drainage and speeds up the exchange processes in the tissues. Press therapy perfectly prepares the patient to further effect on the VELA SHAPE apparatus, thanks to which the effectiveness of therapy increases and allows you to finally remove all the extra centimeters.


When, in addition to fat deposits, there is a reduced muscle tone, Vela Shape is recommended to be combined with the minion. This technique has been applied for a long time, it has proven safely and well. The myostimulation itself will not lead a figure to the ideal and will not remove cellulite, but together with the hardware impact of Vela Shape, the result will not make himself wait. During the session, the electrodes are connected to the body and high-frequency currents are allowed.

No pain patient experiences, only feels muscle contractions in the field of exposure. In addition to stimulation of muscles, electric currents enhance blood circulation, increase the elasticity and tone of the skin, the tissues are obtained several times more oxygen and nutrients. In addition, electrostimulation contributes to the intensive conclusion of the exchange products from the intercellular space. As a result, the flabbiness and irregularity of the skin disappear, local fat deposits decrease. Mostimulation well pulls into the buttocks, which is very relevant during the beach season.

Ozone therapy

If fat reserves are sufficiently pronounced and have been saved for a long time, the ELOS procedure must be supplemented with ozone therapy. The subcutaneous administration of the ozone oxygen mixture came to cosmetology from medicine and successfully applied for a long time. Ozone is slipped by particularly problematic body zones. Having achieved a fatty tissue, it begins to actively oxidate fats and promote their splitting, which is why the manifestations of cellulite decrease and extra centimeters. Ozone therapy significantly increases local immunity, accelerates metabolic problems, saturates tissue with oxygen. The main course is 3-5 sessions with periodicity 1 time per week. After the end of therapy disappears the effect of "orange peel", the skin becomes a healthy gentle pink shade, becomes smoother and elastic.

In combination with the technology of Elos ozone therapy, it acts particularly effectively, removes considerable fat deposits, which are not amenable to strict diets or exhausting physical training. "

When choosing one or another hardware method, it is necessary to consult a doctor and learn about possible contraindications. Remember that independently designated procedures can harm not only your beauty, but also with overall well-being.

Doctors of the medical cosmetology clinic GOLDEN MEDICAL GROUP recommend combining hardware methods of impact with professional cosmetics. Of course, external use tools are not able to independently cope with the same cellulite, but they will accelerate the resulting result, remove the burned cells from the surface of the skin, make the skin with silky and smooth.

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