Bradley Cooper: "The older I get, the less I like the idea of ​​being seduced"


Bradley Cooper - the child of the love of Italian and the Irish of American origin. The boy since childhood was brought up in the rigor of Catholicism, and, according to the confidence of the cooper himself, religion is an integral part of his life. Faith (as well as regular operations in childhood) helped him cope with the choleateatoma - a dangerous tumor of the middle ear, threatening hearing loss. Mr. Cooper received a wonderful academic education (he graduated from the University of Georgetown with honors and even wrote a candidate on Nabokovskaya "Lolita"), but, deciding to follow the children's dream, took an impressive cash loan and entered the New York acting drama school. "Pier's breakdown" for Bradley became an episodic role in the cult series "Sex in the Big City" - there he played the next beloved Carrie Bradshow. Since then, sixteen years have passed, behind the cooper - more than forty-notable works, multi-million fees and four nominations for Oscar. Including for participating in the film of the director of the clint Istuda "Sniper", which went to hire at the end of March. Most recently, Bradley turned the forty years old, and he approached this line prepared: numerous novels with Hollywood beauty (including Jennifer Aniston, Rene Zellweger and Zoe Saldan) Behind, in stock - a permanent girlfriend, possible marriage and already three premieres that expect actor fans this year.

Bradley, how it happened that after the prestigious college and university, did you go to the acting courses?

Bradley Cooper: "With its choice, and everyone that I have now, who I am, I owe my father. He was a real kindergarten, a real fanatics of cinema. I "turned" in the copyright paintings of the seventies because of the Pope: He constantly showed me a masterpiece paintings. For twelve years I have already seen "Apocalypse Today", "Deer Hunter", "Elephant Man". I especially liked the last - I was amazed, I could not stop crying, I could not sleep. This film pursued me, and I thought about the acting path after viewing it. A long time ago, my graduation work was just reincarnation in Joseph Merrick from the "Elephant Man", and now we put the same performance on Broadway. And every evening I mentally say goodbye to myself, as if the inlet of my character in my senses. "

Success changed you?

Bradley: "Probably, everyone says so, but I do not notice the changes - if you, of course, have in mind the star disease. Rather, I changed earlier, before all this noise because of the "Bachelor party in Vegas". (It was this film that made Bradley famous. - Approx. Aut.) And changed for the better (laughs). I do not know if they believe, but I had real problems with alcohol and drugs. It is embarrassing now to talk about it, but at fifteen years I was slicing up drunk. The worst of all I was to see the Father's reaction, because he taught me to constantly work, be responsible for his life, earning my own money. Alas, but after that case I did not stop. Even the family could not keep me from a cheerful acting, which began in the New York acting school. These were heavy and rampant thirteen years ...

What if not a family, you stopped?

Bradley: "Time. And the case is probably. I remember very well the moment when an understanding came: Stop, enough, you destroy yourself. At some regular party, I intentionally crashed into a concrete floor. And then also again. Damn knows what! Probably demonstrated to everyone as I am cool and impenetrate. The blood poured the whole face, crushed into the eyes, and I had fun until I was taken to the hospital. I spent the night on the couch, applying a package with ice to your head, waiting until I was lingering. And I thought that I really had a loaf my career and my life. And then I became really scary.

I remember, then I constantly felt like a loser. All the time worried about who and what will think about, who will look at me. It seems that I did not live, but scrolled the events in my head and constantly analyzed them. And after that case, with a concrete floor, I looked at myself in the mirror and as if I woke up: "How, how, damn it, it could happen to me?". Thank God, I thought, and it's good that it happened on time - my father was still able to be proud of me. It seems to me that in another life he would be an actor himself. "(Father Bradley Cooper died in 2011 from the lung cancer. - Rest. Ed.)

According to the media, a two-year-old Roman Cooper with the model of Sukki Waterhouse approached the end. Rex Features /

According to the media, a two-year-old Roman Cooper with the model of Sukki Waterhouse approached the end. Rex Features /

So, now harmful habits - the story is not about you? But what about the myth of glory and money that spoil anyone?

Bradley: "Oh, now I can honestly say - this is all exactly not exactly about me! A sober way of life is very well combined with career development. Journalists even took the habit of teaching me because of my Puritan regime of the day. It seems like I am very early to go to bed. Well, yes, probably, it is too early ... hours at nine in the evening. So all Hollywood parties pass without me. As for the suddenly filtered millions - yes, at first it was shock. And I still do not really imagine what to do with all this, because I could never dream about such success. How to spend? Where to invest? I understand something that I have is a luxury, but I don't think she somehow affects me. I live like a nomad, I move from one set to another night in the trailers. Perhaps the greatest benefit from my fees is: I helped the closest people with all these laurmed mortgathies and debts. I'm not going to buy any sports cars and private aircraft to buy any sports cars. (Laughs.) In general, I love quiet life - read, cook. True, truth, I am a very calm and balanced guy! "

Infinite love adventures, too, in the past?

Bradley: "Such a feeling that you are talking about some kind of malicious seducer. But I am the biggest romantic on the planet! He studied to be consumed and sensitive, looking at the movies and trying to take the best. But it turns out that I just love the company of lovely women. After all, as it happens - you met a look, a connection was formed, you easily and just together, you go to a certain level of harmony, which is already outside the scope of purely physical attraction. Here I am not dominated above myself and I can not order my feelings.

But to attribute to me novels with all my colleagues is too too much. When I starred in the film "My boyfriend is a crazy," everything was crazy! Everyone considered it his duty to marry me with Jennifer Lawrence. Yes, what are you talking about! I'm so old already, her fathers gose. I could never meet with a twenty-five-year-old girl. "(Your current relationship with twenty-one-tonlene, the British model of Bitch Waterhouse does not comment. - Approx. Auth.) At the same time, with Jen, it was incredibly just to work - and I spent a lot of time with her. After all, we shot Together already in two projects! This feeling that I learned it is better than you know. (Smiles.) And, confess to frankly, every new film I would like to play side by side with Jennifer. "

Tell me, can you easily be seduced?

Bradley: "The older I become, the less seductive it seems to me such an idea. (Smiles.) Pathetic care from reality, escape from truth. After all, when you try to conquer someone or someone trying to conquer your heart, a person's substitution occurs, you are trying to be better than it is in fact, try to demonstrate exaggerated good character traits. And how hard it is then to maintain this illusion of "good", how difficult it is to turn yourself inside out every day! It is better to certainly not seduce anyone and hope that people you like the way you are. "

And how are relations with journalists? Many stars quickly get tired of eternal surveillance ...

Bradley: "In fact, the most of all paparazzi is not colored me, but my mom. After the death of the Father between the filming, I live in Pennsylvania, and these persistent people are constantly looming in our windows. But there were no loud conflicts - I really try to hold back, constantly controlling myself. I can just approach them and ask: "Guys, enough for a guard here," and this is enough. Although one day there was a case at the airport - my mother and I waited for a taxi, with us all our luggage was, and this is my one and eighteen of her bags and handbags. Then I felt like in the Western, we were surrounded, filmed, and with such a number of suitcases they would not run away. I was on the verge, threatened my mother that I would go to fight with one particularly insertion. But quickly calmed down, because in the end, the paparazzi needs my aggression. And I am kind. " (Laughs.)

Do you read feedback on yourself online? Some magazines, for example, call you the "most pleasant and charming guy of Hollywood."

Bradley: "Well, not really, I do not read. Really not seen a single review of any "Bachelor Party" or on the "Dark Areas". And I do not advise you. The best way to understand will give you a movie or not, - go to it. "

What if some review will be useful for you? For example, will indicate some errors.

Bradley: "For errors? Open me a secret! Admit, admit what errors you saw thanks to the reviews of my films! I am ready to correct! (Laughs.) Honestly, I am very worried about how the end result will succeed, and the opinion of the audience is important to me. As for critics, everything is not so unequivocal: you can not please everyone and everyone. "

Bradley Cooper:

After the release of the film "My Guy-Psych" journalists "got married" Bradley Cooper with Jennifer Lawrence. Frame from the film "My boyfriend is crazy."

They say you very quickly find a common language even with the most mastitis colleagues in the picture. Tell us about the most memorable dating on the set.

Bradley: "The most incredible experience of work, probably, was cooperation with Robert De Niro. In my opinion, I still do not really believe that I played on the same platform with de Niro. We were filmed together in the film "Dark Areas", and I remember, I got courage and called him bob, having slammed the shoulder in the shoulder so much ... I never felt stupid and stupid! Why did I do it? As soon as I called Panibrates, I immediately wanted to apologize. De Niro did not remain in debt - all the remaining time of work on the "areas of darkness" he addressed me exclusively "Hey, you!". For example: "Hey, see here!", "Hey, you, looked like this." Now we are friends, and it is invaluable.

Mike Tyson, who starred in the "Bachelor party", frightened me at all. Moreover, they caught up to such an extent that we are all - and I, and Zack, and ED (Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms. - Approx. Ed.) - they were afraid of the word to say in his presence. And Mike turned out to be a wonderful man, kind, with an excellent sense of humor. It was much more terrible to work in a frame with a tiger, which, according to the plot, belonged to Tyson. I will say that: Whatever you do in your life, try not to face tigers. "

Would you be able to radically change the appearance for the sake of the role?

Bradley: "I do not know how radically ... In general, change is my profession, so I would be ready to go on a lot. For example, my hero in the film "Afrai American" was tight small curls. God, poor women! How do you do it every day? Makeleers created me laying for hours, and that's what I say - it hurts, long and very sticky. Tons of varnish, tons of gel, but what result! It will sound strange, but my character in the "Afer" is one of the most difficult roles that I have ever worked on, despite the fact that it is a comedy hero.

Well, and the most painstaking, powerful and thorough preparation for the picture is definitely "Sniper" Clint Isovda. We had to tell the real history of the real person - the American Arrow of Chris Kayel, the most successful and effective for the entire military history of the United States. The goal was almost inaccessible: in a short time to gain twenty kilograms of muscle mass. Diet and workout daily. Get up at five in the morning, two and a half hours you are engaged in the gym, then you study the text for two hours, then again to the gym - and so five times a week, and on weekends - shooting from the rifle. Six thousand kilocalories per day! It seems so tight and often I have not eaten again in my life. Well, did not hold in his hands

weapons. "

As a result, you shoot as a sniper?

Bradley: "Well, of course, not like a sniper, but for a person who and in the army did not serve, I am almost a professional! Amazing new experience, just awesome. "

You have played a controversial person, a man whom some are called the killer. Was it hard to perform such a role?

Bradley: "Work on the project was conducted on the book of Kyle" American Sniper ", I connected to creating a character when Chris himself was alive. (Two years ago Kyle shot a veteran of Iraq Eddie Ruth. - Note. Avt.) Looking a huge number of records with Chris, tried to recreate his emphasis, I was going to call him ... His death changed everything. On the entire film crew lay great responsibility. Not my task is to judge who he was, a killer or hero. I just wanted to show it as a wife, former companions knew him. It was hard, but after the words of the widow Kyle we understood what they coped. It sounded like the highest award: "I don't know how you did it guys. You returned to me a husband. I just had two hours with him. "

Bradley Cooper:

In the film David O. Russell, the actor played a colorful FBI agent with the Italian roots of Ricci Dimazo. Frame from the film "Afrai American".

The theatrical statement of the "Elephant Man" was created in parallel with the shooting of the Sniper. Who is closer to you - John Merrick or Chris Kyle?

Bradley: "It is impossible to give preference. I truly love both of these heroes. John Merrick - the image from which my acting career began. Chris Kyle is at the moment her top. "

This year you were nominated for Oscar for the fourth time, the third is as the "best actor". Well, it was not possible to take a statuette?

Bradley: "Everything that happens now to me is similar to a fantastic film. I dreamed of this since childhood, and now work with directories of the Clint Istuda or David O. Russell - reality. It is difficult to submit such luck. In general, I think that Oscar does not deserve at all, and I do not believe that for the second year in a row I become part of this incredible holiday. When I was present at awarding (that last year, that in this one), it seemed to me that from minute to minute the strict guys fasteners will be suitable for me and at all we will bring me out of the hall with the words: "Sir, and what you have forgotten ? "

If you, as a character from the movie "Areas of Darkness,", were offered to take a tablet that would make you better in some sphere, what would you choose?

Bradley: "Oh, God. I would like to be better in everything. To begin with, I would like to be able to give an interview so that my answers it was interesting to read. I am also terribly skiing and roller skates, so it would be great to become a master in this matter. And I would like to know how to behave like a real steep adult guy - for example, do not sleep all night without consequences in the form of a headache. Do you understand what I mean? ".

Agnia Lisitsyn

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