Do not sacrifice


Pay attention to people around you - whether there are some of them those who constantly suffer ... "garbage". At the same time, the variations of these "flour" can be the most different: I am not lucky with my husband / guy, my work is cold me, I constantly miss the money, my children / parents are grieved me, but I have to live like that. The ending here is the most important thing. It is she indicating that you are a victim.

Meanwhile, now even in preschool institutions, children tell children that they have the right to think freely, speak and choose. So why, growing, man again and again chooses the position of the victim, depending on other people and the circumstances? The answer to this question before the disgrace is simple - when I am a victim, I do not need to answer for anything. You can blame everything on others and inactive: "So they are to blame, and I'm not at all here."

The victim is not always a person laid on both blades. Victims have thousands of evils. One of the most common is the proud and greatest carrying of your status offended. That is, you not only do not protest against the current situation, but even proud of them (Chertovina Gordinia, by the way, one of the seven death sins).

Not satisfied with the relationship - the choice is always yours: suffering from the years and decades wrong. I do not like the work - you yourself chose it. Answer: What did you do to change it. "I have no choice" - the most favorite, by the way, the statement of the victim is not accepted here. Baddle! There is always a choice. Another question is that you are just afraid to try. Columbus said: "You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid of losing the shore from sight." Try. Life always has countless options for you.

Remember that it is not to suffer, it's not the natural states of a person. Rejoice, love - yes, but suffer - in no case. Learn to be the owner of life. This is a difficult path, many do not stand and go away from the distance to the usual rails of doom. Maybe you have never been the owner of your life and do not know what it is. So try to pull yourself out of the swamp. Feeling it is extremely! If you are cheerful and do it, perhaps the memory of your "feat" will not allow you to return to your usual lethargic dream.

Life is the greatest gift, remember this at least once a week. And let the statement of Benjamin Franklin: "Some people die in 25, and in the grave only in 75" will not be about you. And my weekly astrological forecast will help to learn about the trends of the current week.

July 10th. Conservatism, reluctance to go to the risk leaving today to the fore. It would be nice to "include" progressive thinking and a strategic look at things - otherwise there is a risk of "brand" even when solving the easiest questions. Take advantage of the energy of the day if you have situations requiring step-by-step study and thoughtfulness.

July 11th. Calm and harmonious day. Tip: If you need to solve issues with women of mature age today, be extremely tactical and wise - there is a chance to ruin the relationship.

July, 12. The key to action in this environment is the ability to restrain increased irritability. In all, show calm and confidence, do not do too much and do not reject much. The day is good for the people of creative professions - inside and insides are very close.

July 13. It is not necessary to solve working questions, relying on colleagues - there may be misunderstanding between you today. Recommendation: Act yourself, solve financial issues.

the 14 th of July. Do not take the spelling solutions, do not act rashly, do not go to the unjustified risk - and you will remain very pleased with this Friday.

July 15. Saturday's energy has accuracy, hasty in action and judgment. Do not get on this fishing rod - if events change their usual bed, do not rush to react, make a couple of deep breaths, take up to ten, then answer.

July 16. Dedote the day of rest, visit those places where you have long dreamed of visiting and "disappear" to solve important tasks.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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