Unstable time: Horoscope for July


In July, many traditional leave will be replaced by a forced relocation, repair or even changes in personal life. In general, July will be held under the auspices of transformation and instability, and to survive it, you need to be patient.


All the plans and dreams of Aries will start incarnate now, in the middle of summer. Do not rush to rejoice, do not remove your hand with a pulse change - it is important to check all the cases and endeavors that are successfully developing. Closer to the end of July, go on a trip.


The calves were lucky: a romantic acquaintance, which began as passing and meaningless, develops into something big, serious, long-playing. Do not miss the chance! Those who have long been "surveying" have the opportunity to establish contact with important personnel who can play not the last role in your career.


Gemini must be assembled and grouped before difficult, but interesting and rich events. This period will require all spiritual and physical strength from you, but the game is worth the candle: by September, your July processing, business meetings and conflicts will give their fruits.


In people who were born under the sign of cancer, everything is excellent - working weekdays bring joy, in the family everything is calm and stable. But it was in July that unexpected health problems may notice you. Do not run them, post yourself and stay at home if you feel ailment.

a lion

Lions, like real hedonists and connoisseurs of life, gourmet and aesthetes, all July will enjoy what is happening around. A month for you will be marked with creative lifting, hiking in luxury restaurants, new exhibitions and concerts. Now you are in the zenith of your capabilities.


Deev should be extremely careful in financial affairs: do not take and give a debt, agree to dubious offers and trust new acquaintances. And this is despite the fact that July for you will be a month of unexpected and unforeseen spending and material losses. Do not be mistaken: By August, the situation stabilizes.


Websolates need to urgently go on vacation! They are tired of physically and morally - from Dryazg and troubles at home, from the protracted repair and tedious moves, from problems at work. In such a state, no problem you do not decide, so feel free to take a vacation and pass to conquer countries and continents. Travel is better planned as a single tour.


Representatives of the sign of scorpion stand on the threshold of great life changes. It is important to decide and join the new stage boldly and with dignity. At the beginning of the month, there are belling with the second half, and you have to show all your ability to be patient and understand that the scandal does not flare out of the ordinary quarrel.


Sagittarov July will give a troublesome, tense, but it will be pleasant concerns - you have to gather in a long-awaited journey, to defend the project that you worked hard, put on top of new square meters. It is now that home fuss will benefit your psychological confusion.


It will be unpredictable and happy month for conservative caperpashers who will be able to find pleasure in the vortex of the events around them. The only thing that can darken the reality is a little - the demanding authorities, but also with him Capricorn will be able to find a common language.


In July, the stars strongly advise the Aquarius to be neat in financial matters. Your generosity and desire to help everyone and everyone can turn against you, almost bringing you to bankruptcy. It is better to reconsider your attitude towards material values ​​and start saving on a fast vacation.


This month will become a kind of vessel day for representatives of the sign of fish. All your successes and failures, victories and defeats will be weighed and evaluated both close people and colleagues. Keep calm and self-confidence, do not give in to provocations.

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