Lower higher education


The prestige of higher education in Russia is high in any other country in the world. We must admit: completely and next to it is not about the knowledge that it gives, but about a piece of paper is a diploma. But the essence of the matter does not change: it is with higher education that our people associate life success and only see the social elevator to the top. So they refuse to give children to colleges, preferring the most unexpected universities with more than a foggy perspective of subsequent employment.

The result is the oversupply of specialists with university diplomas to the detriment of representatives of work specialties and low quality sets on budget places. And especially, as evidenced by the recent studies of the National Research University - the Higher School of Economics in technical universities. There, according to Yaroslav Kuzminov, terrible things are worked: Recently, almost the norm has become the passing ball of the EGE on mathematics at 21 points. In other words, the school is not even "Troika", but "Two", showing that "the future engineer did not even master the school curriculum and is able to solve only the tasks of four simple arithmetic action."

Especially bad, he stressed, the situation is in such directions of training as the "maritime case", "exploitation of water and aircraft" - there the percentage of duals and weak triples exceeded half of the set of freshmen. And this is a serious application for the human factor with future energy, air and water disasters, the beginning of which has been laid on our day.

There was a paradoxical situation. Universities Stamp Mount Specialists, who no one takes to work, and employers in the afternoon with fire cannot find qualified employees of secondary and junior links: technologists and workers. It is not surprising: the needs of the modern economy are such that this workforce sector should be about 60-70% of the total release and only 30-40% of university graduates. We are the same in the exact opposite way. As a result, up to 30% of places of work specialties occupy people with higher education. And no one can cope with the current situation.

The exit from a dead end, according to Kuzminov, offers the Public Chamber: This is a massive transition to the technical undergraduate. The scheme is extremely simple: you enter the university and after two years of study you choose - to release with a university diploma technologist or continue studying on the University program, because it goes to work, and then return to the university program. "

Thus, three main problems are allowed. People for whom a diploma is fundamentally important to higher education receive it, but at the same time - the opportunity to immediately find work in the specialty. Those who want to receive a higher education diploma for higher education, for example, to enroll in the magistracy, can safely finish further. The economy receives a qualified working force of the desired level and, at the same time, an universal or initial, and university education brought up in traditions. Won and universities. After all, if not "puzzled" by their training of middle-level frames, by 2020, the demographic failure will deprive them of 30-40% of students, and many will be forced simply close. Thus, the proposed scheme should arrange everyone, hope in the public chamber.

According to Kuzminov's calculations, over time, under the applied undergraduate, it must move to a third of budget places in universities (now they are about 430 thousand, or 450 seats for each thousand graduates of the school). And the chance that this happens is high: the proposal, he clarified "RD", "already discussed in the Ministry of Education and Science and with the Government Guidelines."

Special rejection in society the authors of the idea do not fear. Just take a new scheme, according to Kuzminov, "it is necessary in the package with an increase in the rate of the university teacher to an average salary in economics. Moreover, we are not talking about general earnings, including partition and additional education, but about a single teacher rate. And this is a principal moment. Good reforms must end with an effective state contract with a doctor, teacher or official. Without this, society will always be afraid of any reforms, and quite fair. "

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